Snotty cunt

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Ashton took a deep breathe before opening the door to his house. He had text Ben and Luke letting him know he was about to tell his mother. Ben had given Ashton his number to keep him updated.

Ashton walked in and heard silence.

"Mom?" Ashton called. He checked the kitchen nothing.

"Ashton, why are you yelling?" Anne asked popping up behind him.

"Mom, there you are." Ashton said his voice shaking.

"What's wrong?" Anne asked narrowing her eyes at Ashton. She could tell he was nervous about something.

"I need to talk to you about something." Ashton answered.

"So talk." Anne shrugged.

"Why don't we sit down?" Ashton suggested pointing to the kitchen table.

"Okay..." Anne seemed confused.

Ashton cleared his throat but before he could speak Anne asked.

"Ashton, please tell me you didn't get some skank pregnant." Anne sneered in disgust.

"No, that's not what I was gonna say, but thanks for that." Ashton huffed.

"Then what is it honey?" Anne pressed.

"Mom, I'm...I'm..." Ashton took a deep breathe trying to get the words out.

Anne held her hand up.

"I know what this is." Anne said suddenly.

"Don't you dare think about finishing that sentence."

"What?" Ashton frowned in confusion.

"You've been hanging around that Tomlinson kid too long. You need straight friends honey. You aren't gay. You just think you are because all your friends are." Anne snapped.

"All of my friends aren't gay. You don't even know all of my friends." Ashton snapped back defensively.

"Oh really? Name five." Anne demanded crossing her arms.

"Niall, Alex, Luke, Calum, and Michael." Ashton listed off all of his friends.

"Honey, Luke barely counts, he's bisexual. He's still a gay influence." Anne waved her hand dismissively.

"He does count, he's the reason I'm telling you." Ashton barked.

"What does that mean?" Anne asked with a frown.

"Luke is my boyfriend." Ashton snapped.

Anne looked as if she'd been smacked across the face.

"You're not gay, Ashton." Anne growled.

"Yes, I am, mom. And I'm dating Luke. In fact I'm in love with him." Ashton stated proudly for the first time.

"You don't know what love is Ashton Irwin." Anne shouted.

"Yes I do. I'm in love with Luke Hemmings and he loves me too." Ashton shouted back.

"That's ridiculous you don't know what you're talking about!" Anne was standing as was Ashton.

"Well I didn't exactly have a good example to go by growing up did I?" Ashton barked.

"You watch your mouth Mr." Anne snapped glaring at Ashton.

"I don't get the big deal. You like Luke." Ashton huffed.

"I did until he corrupted your mind." Anne snapped again.

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