I think I should probably keep my distance for a while

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Luke left his last class expecting Liam to be waiting on him. But when he reached the door he was met by Calum instead.

"Hey, I was hoping you'd come to practice tonight. I know you usually go to practice with Liam but I think it'd be good for Louis if you saw him in action." Calum shrugged. He was inviting Luke in hopes that he would bring Michael. He knew Michael would sometimes come without Luke but Michael had mentioned wanting to spend time with Luke today. He only hoped he had gotten to him before Liam.

"Oh, yeah, sure." Luke nodded. He had been meaning to go to a soccer practice but Liam kept him preoccupied.

"Great, wanna head down together or do you have to meet Michael?" Calum asked innocently.

"I'll text him to meet us down there." Luke shrugged.

"Okay, let's go then." Calum smiled.

Luke nodded following after Calum.

"So, I haven't thanked you for helping Louis. I really appreciate it. He's really shown progress." Calum spoke after a moment of awkward silence.

"I'm glad. He's got potential he just thinks too much about it sometimes." Luke responded.

"That's what I always tell him." Calum agreed.

"I've finally gotten him to just think about the other players next move and learn to react accordingly. It's like chess you have to be able to know what you're opponent is gonna do."

"Well he's really learning a lot from you. I hate that I couldn't convince you to join the team." Calum spoke genuinely.

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"Hey, I get it, it's not your thing. It was your brother's thing. No big deal." Calum shrugged.

Luke smiled. He was the first person to not push the issue.

"Yeah, thanks."

"So if sports aren't your thing. What is?" Calum asked.

"Music." Luke shrugged.

"Do you play an instrument?" Calum asked.

"Guitar." Luke nodded.

"Cool, I play bass." Calum smiled.

"Really? I didn't know you played?" Luke said in surprise. Calum didn't strike him as the musical type.

"I love two things. Soccer and music." Calum grinned. He was finding Luke a lot more interesting than Ben had been. All Ben seemed to care about was Soccer and Amanda the head cheerleader. Luke was nothing like his brother and that was something Calum appreciated.

"That's really cool. I had no idea you were into music. Who are some of your favorite bands?" Luke asked.

"I love Green Day, Good Charlotte, Bring me the Horizon, things like that." Calum answered.

"I love all those bands." Luke grinned.

"Wow, who knew we'd have so much in common." Calum laughed.

"Hey, Calum, there you are, you're late." Coach James muttered handing Calum the roster.

"Sorry, got held up." Calum shrugged at Luke as he headed onto the field.

"Luke?" Luke heard Ashton's voice ask from behind him.

"Ashton, hey." Luke gave a small smile.

"W-what are you doing here? Why were you with Calum?" Ashton frowned.

"He asked me to come watch Louis in action." Luke explained.

"Liam let that happen?" Ashton asked raising a brow.

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