Are you two finally dating?

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"So let me get this straight you and Luke are going to try and be friends but you both like each other?" Calum asked. He, Michael and Ashton were at Calum's house.

"Yeah." Ashton nodded.

"You should really consider dating him." Calum suggested.

"You know I can't do that." Ashton shook his head.

"Just break up with Amelia." Michael said with a huff.

"I did earlier." Ashton frowned not sure what that had to do with not being able to date Luke.

"Then why can't you date Luke?"

"His mom." Calum answered with a sigh.

"What about his mom?" Michael asked.

"Remember that time I told you I had other reasons for not dating Luke that I didn't feel like getting into?" Ashton asked Michael.

"Yeah." Michael nodded.

"It was my mom. She's this social butterfly, if you will, and has a need to keep up appearances. She has a lot of money and a lot of friends with money. The BMW out there that drove us all here, she bought it for me because Karen and I broke up and she didn't want people to think less of me so she made sure I had the nicest car of all her friends kids. She's incredibly strict about me making not making her look bad. If she found out I was gay, I don't think for a second she wouldn't throw me out. I just don't think I could handle that right now." Ashton laid back on Calum's bed where he was sitting.

"It's so stressful. If she has a book club meeting or just has any of her friends over I can't be home. If I'm already home I can't leave my room." Ashton explained.

"Holy shit, seriously?" Michael asked.

"Why do you put up with that?"

"I dunno...she's my mom." Ashton sighed.

"Does Luke know?" Calum asked.

"Yeah, he doesn't want to be together if we have to hide it." Ashton answered.

"Yeah, his thoughts on that kind of thing are he already did his hiding he's not gonna hide anymore." Michael shrugged.

"It took him a long time to come out to his family. Then he was afraid to come out to everyone else." Michael explained

"I understand. And I know I can't ask him to hide his relationship with me but he can't ask me to come out yet, I'm just not ready for that." Ashton shook his head.

"He said he'd be patient with me. I just hope he realizes how patient he'll have to be."

"Luke is a pretty understanding guy. He can handle it." Michel smiled reassuringly.

"I just hope I can." Ashton groaned.

"Can I tell you guys something without you judging me too harshly?" Ashton asked.

Calum and Michael nodded.

"I've kissed Luke more than twice." Ashton sighed before sitting up all the way.

"What?" Michael asked. Calum stayed silent.

"I kissed him the first time outside of the library. I didn't intend to but he looked really hot that day and I was jealous he was meeting with Liam. Anyway then there was the lockers. Which Calum you saw apparently. I meant to apologize for the first kiss but just ended up kissing him again. So the next morning I called him and asked him to meet me in the health room. I intended to talk to him about what was going on with us. But I saw him and kissed him again. He finally asked me what was going on and we talked. I told him I would back off. Well I did, but then he started dating Liam. One day he drug Liam into the auditorium and kissed him. I could have died. It killed me. Liam had to leave and I cornered Luke. I mentioned the times I'd kissed him and asked if he remembered them. He seemed uncomfortable and when he's nervous or uncomfortable he does this thing where-"

"He bits his lip ring." Michael nodded knowing exactly what Ashton was gonna say.

Ashton nodded.

"It's so damn hot. I couldn't help myself and I kissed him. He kissed me back. But then he freaked out cause he was with Liam. Well when he said he was helping Mrs. Everette we were actually talking. We talked about us some. Then we talked a bit more at the field during lunch. I told him I needed to get over him so I told him to meet me after school. When he walked in it was awkward for a bit but then he kissed me. I mean he kissed me like he'd never kissed me before. It was...." Ashton let out a heavy sigh as he remembered the kiss.

"Intense." Ashton finished his sentence. But then he freaked out again cause of Liam. Then we got into an argument. I guess his guilt got the better of him because when I met up with everyone he had Liam caught in quite the heated kiss. I could have been sick. So anyway, yeah..." Ashton watching Calum and Micheal's face.

"I can't believe you've kissed him that many times and I'm the only one that has caught you guys." Calum shook his head.

"I can't believe he kissed you when he was with Liam." Michael said in surprise.

"I really like him, How can I possibly keep my hands off of him when he's single when I couldn't do it when he wasn't?" Ashton groaned throwing himself back onto Calum's bed.

"Have you tried talking to your mom?" Calum asked.

"No, I'm trying my best to keep on her good side I don't even talk to her unless she talks to me first." Ashton shook his head.

"But enough about me are you two finally dating?" Ashton asked sitting up.

Calum and Michael both flushed a bright pink.

"We uh, haven't really talked about it." Calum shrugged.

"Well now's a good a time as ever." Ashton smiled.

The two stayed quiet.

"Oh my goodness, you two are ridiculous." Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Michael, Calum has liked you for a while now. In fact you are the reason he started to question his sexuality." Ashton said looking at Michael. He then turned to a mortified looking Calum.

"Calum, Michael has liked you as long as Luke has apparently liked me which has been since last year just before Luke came out." Ashton smirked.

"There the awkward part is over, so who's gonna grow the balls to ask the other one on a date?" Ashton crossed his arms looking amused.

"Ahem." Michael cleared his throat before looking over at Calum.

Calum met Micheal's look.

"So are you busy this weekend?" Michael asked before Calum could say anything.

"That depends, what did you have in mind?" Calum asked with a smirk.

"You." Michael winked earning a large grin from Calum.

"In that case, I'm free all weekend." Calum grinned.

"Great, then I'm taking you to dinner Friday night." Michael stated proudly.

"Looking forward to it." Calum grinned.

"You two are so cute. I can't wait to tell Luke." Ashton smiled widely before pulling out his phone.


Super short chapter. Sorry it's crappy...

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