You're Luke Hemmings, what's not to love?

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It had been two weeks since Ashton had started dating Amelia. He and Luke didn't speak to each other and nobody seemed to notice except Calum and Michael who had grown extremely close over the past two weeks.

"Hemmings, can we talk?" Zayn asked walking towards Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton.

"Sure, what's up?" Luke asked.

"Can we talk in private?" Zayn asked.

"What's so important you can't talk in front of us?" Ashton asked protectively earning a surprised look from Luke, Michael, and Calum.

"Last I checked you weren't his boyfriend, so I don't see why I have to tell you anything." Zayn growled shooting Ashton a glare.

Ashton clenched his fists and jaw.

"It's fine, Ashton, I'll just a be a second." Luke spoke to Ashton for the first time in two weeks.

Zayn stepped aside with Luke following him.

"So, I can't help but notice that you and Liam are still dating." Zayn crossed his arms.

"Umm, yeah." Luke nodded with a frown.

"How long do you think you're gonna keep this up?" Zayn asked.

"Keep this up?" Luke asked confused.

"Yeah, you know I was interested in dating you. I figured you'd be bored of Liam by now." Zayn shrugged.

"Bored of him?" Luke frowned.

"Well yeah." Zayn nodded.

"No, I really like him, why would I be bored of him?" Luke shook his head.

"Wait, you really like him?" Zayn asked surprised.

"Yes, why else would I be dating him?" Luke asked raising a brow.

"For the sex." Zayn stated as if it was obvious.

"What? We haven't..." Luke trailed off.

"Wait, you haven't slept together yet?" Zayn asked with a smirk.

"No." Luke frowned a blush filling his cheeks.

"That's surprising." Zayn furrowed his brows together.

"Luke, babe, what's going on?" Liam spoke suddenly walking up next to Luke shooting daggers at Zayn.

"Uh, n-nothing." Luke shook his head.

"Hey, Luke, I'll see you around." Zayn winked before leaning in and placing a kiss on Luke's cheek.

Luke stood shocked while Liam looked pissed.

"What the hell Luke?" Liam snapped turning to the blonde.

"Why were you talking to Zayn? And why the hell did he kiss you? Is something going on between you two?" Liam was seriously angry and Luke could tell.

"What? No, he said he wanted to talk for a second. He asked me why I wasn't bored of you yet. He didn't understand why I was still dating you. He thought it was for sex. I assured him it wasn't. It was weird." Luke explained. By this point Michael, Calum, and Ashton had rejoined them.

"Look, babe, stay away from Zayn. He's nothing but trouble." Liam said grabbing a hold of Luke's hand. Luke only nodded.

"Zayn, wait up." Calum called to the raven haired boy who was walking next to Jack.

"Hood, what's good?" Zayn asked raising a brow at Calum.

"I had a question for you. You're interested in dating Luke. Why?" Calum asked.

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