Kiss me

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Luke smoothed his shirt while standing in front of his bathroom mirror. He was incredibly nervous about tonight. Liam had text him later on before school ended asking if he could pick Luke up at his house around five. Luke had hoped no one would be home that evening but it seemed luck was not on his side, his dad and Ben were home. He hoped that Liam wouldn't make it known they were going on a date.

"Luke, you've been in the bathroom for thirty minutes and you're dressed nicer than you were earlier where are you going?" Ben asked suddenly from the bathroom door way.

"Out." Luke answered simply.

"With?" Ben pressed.

"A friend. His name is Liam if you must know everything." Luke answered slightly agitated.

"Ah, a date." Ben smirked.

"Does dad know?"

"Why would you just assume it's a date?" Luke huffed stepping past Ben.

"Because you changed clothes just to hang out with a friend?" Ben rose an eyebrow.

"Luke, someone is here to see you." Luke's father called up the stairs.

"Ooh, must be your date. Let's go check him out." Ben grinned as he reached for Luke's door.

Luke groaned knowing there was no way to convince Ben to go away. Ben was supportive of Luke's sexuality. Jack acted weird about it whenever it was mentioned though he denied it and their father was just disappointed that he wasn't like Ben and Jack in another aspect of his life but never said anything negative about it.

"Is he at least hot?" Ben asked as they reached the stairs.

"Duh." Luke rolled his eyes.

"So you never answered my question. Does dad know?"

"No." Luke shook his head.

"Better tell him before he finds out another way." Ben suggested.

"Luke, Liam here tells me he's taking you to dinner." Luke's father said his arms crossed over his chest.

Luke bit his lip.

"Uh, yeah." Luke nodded.

His father shifted his weight.

"He is hot, you did good." Ben said suddenly breaking the awkward silence.

"Ben." Luke groaned with a blush filling his cheeks while Liam who was also blushing tried to hold back a smile.

"You boys-umm... be careful and don't be out too late. It's a... night." Luke's father stumbled over his sentence.

"Okay. Bye dad, bye Ben." Luke waved before he lead Liam outside.

"I'm so sorry. I thought your dad knew. You came out to the school last year so I thought-"

"It's okay. He knew about my sexuality but not about the date." Luke explained.

"Oh." Liam looked slightly upset.

"Not that I didn't want him to know, it's just..." Luke sighed.

"My dad and I aren't exactly close." Luke shrugged.

"Oh, I see. I'm still sorry. I shouldn't have assumed he knew." Liam held the passenger car door open for Luke.

"Thanks." Luke smiled slightly.

Liam climbed in the drivers side.

"Put on any music you want. I'm not really sure what you like." Liam shrugged.

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