Ulterior motive

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"Okay, wait so you're mad at Liam because he insulted Ashton?" Michael asked frowning. He and Calum exchanged confused glances.

"No, he insulted me. He said my dad would have hated Ashton because he likes music. When I told him I like music he said and I quote, "Yeah and you told me how much your dad hated it. At least your boyfriend plays a sport he likes." How could he say that knowing how much I try to do right by my dad?" Luke huffed into the receiver.

"Oh, I see." Michael nodded understanding.

"Look, Luke, try not to take it too hard. Liam's whole life is football. I was honestly surprised he agreed to date you since you refuse to play football." Calum said in a comforting tone. Michael shot him a wtf look. Calum simply winked back.

"He asked me out, I didn't ask him." Luke corrected.

"Oh, really?" Calum asked surprised.

"In that case, I would be careful if I was you."

"W-why?" Luke asked.

"I don't want to talk bad about your boyfriend but he only dates someone if it benefits him. Katie's dad was best friends with the coach. He dated her for two months until she got bored of him. That's how he got to be the football captain. Then, he dated Hannah cause he was interested in her worst enemy, Sarah. When they broke up he asked Sarah out and of course she said yes to piss of Hannah. Well Sarah is like a math expert so she let Liam cheat off her Math exam. He broke up with her three days later." Calum explained.

"Wait, so why do you think he's dating Luke?" Michael asked suddenly pissed off.

"I have no Idea, I assumed Luke asked him out and he said yes because he's Luke Hemmings." Calum shrugged.

"You think he really has some ulterior motive to dating me?" Luke asked sadly.

"I don't know for sure." Calum said feeling bad for Luke.

"I think I'm gonna go. I need to think this over." Luke said suddenly.

"Luke, are you okay? Do you want me to come over?" Michael asked. He didn't really want to leave Calum's but Luke was more important.

"No, I kind of want to be alone. You guys have fun. I'll see you tomorrow." Luke answered.

Once Michael hung up he turned to Calum.

"Is what you said about Liam true?"

"Yeah, remember when I gave you my number a while back. I wanted to warn you about this but I also didn't know how to say it." Calum sighed.

"If Liam hurts Luke I'll kill him." Michael spoke his usually bright green eyes dark.

"I don't know what his motivation is."

"It doesn't matter what it is, It's going to hurt Luke." Michael growled.

"Well, in all honesty he could be trying to get on his good side to get him to play next year but He'd have to date him all year and summer." Calum frowned.

"That's probably not the case. Maybe it is just cause he's Luke Hemmings." Calum shrugged.

"Somehow that's worse." Michael sighed.

"How so?" Calum asked confused.

"Luke doesn't want to be known as Luke Hemmings he just wants to be Luke." Michael explained.

The next day Luke woke with a headache. He hadn't slept well the night before. He had spent the night racking his brain trying to come up with an ulterior motive for Liam dating him but wasn't able to figure out what Liam could possibly benefit from their relationship. He finally drug himself out of bed and to the shower. Once he got out he threw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a plain black t shirt. He fixed his hair into his usual quiff before grabbing his bag and heading downstairs.

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