So ummm...Luke's been hanging out with Liam a lot

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Luke made his way towards the library. There was no practice tonight so he decided to do his homework at the library.

Luke felt someone tug him back. He turned to see Ashton. Ashton pressed him gently against the lockers as he connected their lips. Ashton's lips were rougher than before. The kiss seemed almost desperate. Luke couldn't help but kiss back. Ashton pressed himself against Luke leaving almost no space between the two boys. Luke's hands gripped his books as Ashton's hands gripped Luke's waist.

Luke felt dizzy as Ashton suddenly pulled away.

"I've been wanting to do that all day." Ashton breathed heavily not letting go of Luke's waist. Luke opened his mouth to say something but a cheery voice interrupted.

"Hey, Luke, there you are. I've been looking for you." Liam smiled walking towards Luke and Ashton. Ashton's hands left Luke's waist quickly.

"Hey, Liam." Luke said in almost an annoyed tone. This was the second time he'd interrupted them.

"Hey...Ashton." Liam almost sneered.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have a date with Louis or something?" Liam crossed his arms.

"I'm helping Louis with his drama meeting today, yes, but I needed to talk to Luke." Ashton growled.

"Okay, well if you're done Luke and I have homework to get done." Liam grinned devilishly before taking Luke's books from him.

"Let me get those for you." Liam gave Luke a warm smile and a small wink.

"Uh, thanks." Luke said confused.

"I'll see you around." Ashton snapped suddenly as he turned and marched down the hall.

"So, let's get to the library shall we?" Liam asked not fazed by Ashton's sudden annoyance.

"Uh, sure." Luke agreed following.

Ashton wanted to swing by Mrs. Everette's office and let out a few punches before heading to the auditorium but he didn't have time. Louis was already waiting on him. He turned to see Luke following Liam towards the library. He narrowed his eyes. Liam must have had a crush on Luke. The thought pissed Ashton off. He hated admitting it but he wanted Luke. He genuinely cared about Luke and he was a damn good kisser.

"Ashton, there you are." Louis huffed as he drug Ashton into the auditorium.

"Thank you so much for your help." Louis grinned excitedly as he lead Ashton to the front.

"We're doing silent monologues to music. I thought you could get some people to help us play the music for it." Louis explained.

"Michael agreed to play guitar, apparently Calum can play bass so he agreed." Louis jumped gleefully.

"Okay, calm down." Ashton chuckled. He tried not to let his mood show through.

Louis didn't listen though, instead he bounced off towards the stage to get his group together.

"Michael, can I talk to you real quick?" Ashton asked as Michael took a seat in one of the auditorium chairs.

"Hey, Ashton, what's up?" Michael asked as Ashton sat next to him.

"So ummm... Luke's been hanging out with Liam a lot." Ashton stated simply.

"Uh huh?" Michael raised a brow?

"How do you feel about that?" Ashton asked tossing the red head a glance.

"I don't really care who he hangs around with."Michael shrugged.

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