Is that a question or a statement?

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Luke woke to his phone buzzing loudly in his ear. He turned to see Ashton calling him.

"Hello?" Luke answered groggily.

"Luke, hey, did I wake you?" Ashton asked.

"A little but it's okay. What's up?" Luke yawned sitting up.

"I wanted to ask if we could meet up at school before first period?" Ashton had a strange tone to his voice.

"Uh, yeah sure, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, can we meet in the health class in the gym?" Ashton asked.

"Okay, I'll get ready and meet you there." Luke agreed. Ashton hung up then leaving Luke confused.

Luke had wanted to text Ashton the night before but couldn't get the courage. Now Ashton wanted to meet before school started. Dragging himself to the shower Luke tried not to let his emotions get the best of him. Did Ashton want to tell Luke he liked him or was he going to say that kissing him was a mistake and it shouldn't have happened? Luke was nervous. Ashton sounded strange but Luke couldn't place how.

Ashton took a few smaller swings at the punching bag in Mrs. Everette's classroom. She had left to get some things copied but he had text her letting her know he was on his way. She had given him her number once when she found him asleep on the soccer bleachers. He had been tired of listening to his parents fight so he left and crashed in the bleachers. Since then Mrs. Everette had opened her home to Ashton on multiple occasions. They had spoken to the principle about it so that Mrs. Everette wouldn't get into any trouble.

"Ashton, there is a guy in the gym saying he's supposed to meet you in the health room?" Mrs. Everette spoke poking her head in the room.

"Already? I wasn't expecting him for another fifteen minutes at least." Ashton answered feeling his heart start to race.

"Tell him, I'll meet him there." Ashton said taking his gloves off.

Luke waited awkwardly for Mrs. Everette to return. He had tried the health door but it had been locked.

"Alright, come with me." Mrs. Everette spoke then pulling keys from her pocket. Luke followed nervously.

"Ashton will be here in a minute." Mrs. Everette smiled opening the health door for Luke.

"Thanks." Luke stepped into the health room biting his lip ring. This was strange to him. Why did Ashton want to meet here?

"Hey." Ashton smiled stepping into the room. Luke turned.

"Hey, what's with the strange meeting place?" Luke asked with a nervous laugh. Ashton stepped toward Luke wrapping an arm around Luke's lower back and pulled him into a kiss.

Ashton felt the coolness of Luke's lip ring on his lips. The familiarity of his lips comforted Ashton immediately. He melted into the kiss as he felt Luke's hands grip onto Ashton's shirt. Ashton needed this more than he realized. All night he had wanted was nothing more than to be alone with Luke. Just as Ashton was about to deepen the kiss Luke pushed him back.

"Ashton." Luke breathed heavily.

"Yes?" Ashton asked leaning his head against Luke's forehead. Luke was still holding on to Ashton's shirt while Ashton still had his arms around Luke.

"What are you doing?" Luke asked nervously. The question seemed to sober Ashton up a bit. He immediately pulled away from Luke and gripped onto the desk that was behind him.

"I-I don't know." Ashton huffed looking down at the floor.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Luke asked with a frown. Ashton stayed silent.

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