You don't want me to get over you?

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Ashton paced Mrs. Everette's room nervously. He had excused himself to the bathroom from class a few minutes early so he could be here before Luke. He had asked Luke to meet him here because he wanted to talk a little bit more about them being friends. Luke's text had really hit Ashton. Luke didn't want Ashton to get over him. The truth was Ashton didn't want to get over Luke.

The door opened then as Luke slipped inside.

"Hey." He said his eyes on the floor.

"Hey." Ashton responded. He took a step towards the blonde.

"Why did you want to see me?" Luke asked looking up at Ashton finally.

"I always want to see you." Ashton smiled. Luke blushed.

"Why do you think I wanted to see you?" Ashton asked watching Luke chew on his lip ring.

"I-I don't know." Luke was incredibly nervous for some reason.

"You don't want me to get over you?" Ashton asked cocking his head sideways.

"You want to get over me?" Luke answered with a question.

"Of course I do." Ashton lied.

Luke frowned.


"Because you're with Liam. It hurts to see that." Ashton sighed answering honestly this time.

"Why don't you want me to get over you?" Ashton asked taking another step his eyes set on Luke's lips.

"Because, I really like you." Luke shrugged.

"But you're with Liam." Ashton repeated.

"I know." Luke nodded.

"Then why are you here?" Ashton asked raising a brow. He was now looking into Luke's clear blue eyes.

Suddenly Ashton felt Luke's lips on his. Luke had Ashton's shirt gripped in his hands. Ashton let his arms wrap around Luke. Luke slipped his tongue into Ashton's mouth. Ashton greeted it eagerly. Ashton liked this Luke. He was taking charge and it was turning Ashton on. Luke's teeth grazed Ashton's bottom lip sending a low growl to escape Ashton's throat. Luke quickly pulled away.

"Shit." Luke swore pushing himself away from Ashton and releasing his shirt.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." Luke swore again as he turned away from Ashton.

Ashton wanted to say something but there was nothing he could say.

"Ashton, we can't do this." Luke said suddenly.

"We can't be friends. It's too dangerous. You have to get over me." Luke said shaking his head in frustration.

"I don't want to." Ashton said his voice almost a whisper.

"But you said before-"

"I lied okay." Ashton cut Luke off.

"I really like you and I want to kiss you everyday. I don't want you to be with Liam." Ashton walked over to Luke. Luke backed up running into the desk behind him.

"W-we can't." Luke said his voice breaking a bit.

"Why?" Ashton asked searching Luke's eyes for something other than regret.

"You aren't gay remember?" Luke snapped.

"I told you I was." Ashton frowned.

"Who else knows? Besides Calum and I, who knows?" Luke demanded crossing his arms.

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