I thought you didn't like me?

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The halls were still quiet as Luke made his way down them. He had gotten up early in hopes of catching Liam before class. He also had to tell Michael how things went. He preferred to tell Michael certain personal things in person so he could gauge his reaction.

"Hemmings, what are you doing here so early?" A voice spoke from behind Luke.

He groaned as he turned to see Zayn standing behind him.

"I could ask you the same." Luke stated crossing his arms. He was in no mood to deal with Zayn.

"My mom had to drop me off cause I totaled my car." Zayn shrugged.


"So, what about you?" Zayn asked.

"I wanted to talk to Liam and Michael before class started." Luke answered hoping Zayn would go away afterwards.

"It sucks that you're dating Payne, I was really hoping to get to you before anyone else." Zayn said averting his eyes a bit.

"Why?" Luke asked with a frown.

"Cause, you're Luke Hemmings." Zayn gave a smile. Luke felt himself getting pissed.

"I really thought you were dating Ashton though. He seemed pretty possessive of you." Zayn stated before Luke could comment.

"He's pretty sweet on you I think." Zayn spoke again.

"He's straight." Luke argued.

"Well, spaghetti is straight until you heat it up." Zayn gave a smirk causing Luke's jaw to drop a bit. He hadn't expected Zayn to say something like that.

Ashton stepped into the hallway from the gym. He had gotten there early to hit the punching bag a few times. He saw Zayn and Luke talking. He was going to turn away when he saw Zayn's smug smile. He couldn't just let this go. He didn't like Zayn talking to Luke. Though Ashton knew he needed to keep his distance he had to say something.

Ashton walked over and threw his arm around Luke's shoulder.

"Hey, Luke." Ashton spoke cheerfully.

"Zayn." He spat the name as if it was poison.

"See?" Zayn said even more smug than before.

"You're wrong." Luke answered shouldering Ashton's arm off of him.

"Turn the stove on a bit and prove me wrong." Zayn winked before turning away.

"What the hell were you two talking about?" Ashton asked glaring after the raven haired boy.

"Nothing." Luke snapped turning to walk away.

"Luke, look can we talk?" Ashton asked before he could change his mind.

"No." Luke answered simply.

"Why not?" Ashton asked following Luke.

"Because, you should probably keep your distance from me." Luke mocked Ashton's previous statement.

"Look, I know what I said, and I'm sorry if it upset you but I just think it's for the best." Ashton said with a sigh.

"Then why are you talking to me?" Luke whirled around so he was now face to face with Ashton. Ashton hadn't realized Luke was a few inches taller than him. His eyes wandered Luke's angry face. His blue eyes were piercing.

"Well?" Luke snapped demanding an answer.

"I-I don't know." Ashton answered quietly unable to look away from Luke's face.

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