I overreacted

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Michael followed quietly beside Ashton as they made their way to the soccer field. Michael was mad that Ashton knew so much about Luke but he was glad Ashton had called Luke. That message was just what Luke needed to hear. He only hoped his friend was okay.

Ashton stopped suddenly as they neared the field.

"Is that-?"

Michael looked where Ashton was frowning. Luke was dribbling the ball past Louis who almost managed to get the ball from him.

"Luke." Michael sighed with relief.

"Hey there you two are, I wasn't sure you two were coming." Louis smiled as he grabbed his water, panting.

"Yeah, I just had a call to make." Ashton said glancing over at Luke.

Luke's eyes met Ashton's. No words were needed. Ashton could see the left over redness from the obvious tears. He knew Luke got his message.

"Luke, can I have a word for a sec?" Michael asked leading Luke away from Louis and Ashton.

"Michael, I-" Ashton was cut off my Michael's embrace.

"I was seriously worried about you. Ashton told me what happened. I'm sorry." Michael felt awful for not being there for his friend.

"Michael, It's okay. I overreacted. I'm just not used to dealing with it." Luke shrugged.

"I hope you know what you're doing by telling Ashton personal things by the way." Michael frowned sending a glance to the brown haired boy.

"We got to know each other a little last night. I'll tell you more about it later." Luke patted Michael's shoulder reassuringly before walking back towards Louis and Ashton.

Luke bit his lip ring nervously as he approached the field. He had promised to come to the first practice and he kept his word. He did his homework on the bleachers while only partially paying attention to the field.

"Luke, you came." Liam smiled wiping sweat from his forehead with a towel.

"I always keep my word." Luke nodded.

"I just need to hit the showers but I was gonna grab something to eat after, wanna come along?" Liam asked.

Luke frowned. Was he asking Luke out?

"Ummm, sure, why not." Luke agreed before he could come up with a reason that was a bad idea.

"Great, I'll meet you at the library in fifteen minutes." Liam smiled before hurrying off towards the gym.

"Luke." Luke heard his name as he made his way towards the library. He turned to see Ashton jogging towards him. Luke felt a smile form on his lips as Ashton approached.

"Hey." Luke bit his lip ring nervously. He didn't know why Ashton made him so nervous.

"What are you doing here?" Luke asked realizing the time.

"Louis' first practice was tonight." Ashton motioned behind him.

"Right, how'd it go?" Luke shook his head forgetting that Soccer practice was tonight as well.

"Good. How was football practice?" Ashton asked noticing Liam wasn't in sight.

"Dunno, I did my homework so I wasn't really paying attention. Don't tell Liam though." Luke chuckled.

Ashton smiled and nodded.

"Where you headed now?" Ashton asked noticing he was heading back to the school.

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