You do things to me

Start from the beginning

"Is Zayn one of those friends?" Ben asked with a smirk.

"No." Luke huffed.

"Is Ashton one of those friends?" Jack asked appearing behind Ben.

"Since when are you two so concerned about who I'm going out with?" Luke asked in a snappy tone.

"Since you brought home the football captain." Ben chuckled.

"I'm going out with Calum, Michael and Ashton." Luke replied rolling his eyes.

"So double dating then huh?" Ben asked.

"No, Ashton isn't gay." Luke groaned in annoyance.

"You two leave your brother alone. Luke have fun and tell Ashton I said hello." Luke's dad said walking in next to Luke.

"I'll be home later." Luke mumbled. He hated that his brothers and dad were so interested in his life now. It was only a few months ago none of them really talked. It's like things were getting back to normal except his dad was trying to include Luke more than he did before. Luke wasn't keen on it, but he knew his dad was trying. It just made Luke feel uncomfortable. He hopped into his Honda civic and headed to the restaurant.

"Luke!" Michael yelled running up and gripping the blonde in a large hug.

"Ugh, Michael, I can't breathe." Luke gasped.

"Hey Luke." Calum chuckled as Michael let go of Luke.

"Hey, Cal." Luke hugged the raven haired boy.

"Hey, Ash." Luke said almost nervously.

"Hi." Ashton gave a small smile.

"Let's eat." Michael said walking towards the restaurant. The other three followed behind.

Once they had been seated and their order had been taken Ashton looked at Luke.

"So, how was your date?" Ashton tried to keep his tone light.

"It was good." Luke nodded shyly.

"Where did he take you?" Ashton asked.

"An outdoor bar that his brother owns." Luke answered again just as shy.

"That's cool. Did you have fun?" Ashton pressed.

"Yeah, surprisingly." Luke answered shifting uncomfortably.

"What all...did you do?" Ashton fought to keep the malice out of his tone.

"We ate, we danced, we had a few drinks." Luke shrugged.

"That's all?" Ashton asked wondering if Luke would tell him about the kiss.

"Why don't you just ask what you're wanting to know." Luke snapped.

"W-what do you mean?" Ashton asked with a slight frown.

"You want to know if we did something sexual." Luke crossed his arms over his chest.

"That's not true. I was just wondering if he kissed you." Ashton looked down at his hands in embarrassment.

"Well he did." Luke answered blatantly.

" you like him?" Ashton asked even though he was sure he didn't want to know the answer.

"I don't know, Ashton, why are you asking me these things?" Luke huffed. His tone sounded stressed.

"Because, if you....if you want to date...him..." Ashton took a deep breathe.

"I want you to." Ashton heard the strain in his own voice.

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