Chapter 853

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~week later~

Christa's POV

Seeing the girls getting married has really made me think.

They've all had the opportunity to walk down the aisle with their dads and I'm not even gonna get that.

"What's up babe"

"Just thinking that I'm not gonna be walking down the aisle with my dad"

"You didn't invite him did you?"

I shook my head "I don't wanna see him. Not after last time. I'm more than happy to walk down with Ray and Dray" I smiled lightly

Andy smiled and then pulled in for a hug and I hugged me tight.

"I can't wait to marry you"

"Neither can I Babe" I smiled at him and then he pulled me in for a kiss.

~next day~

I got ready into my dress with the help of Andys mum.

When I was ready I looked in the mirror.

"You look beautiful Christa"

I smiled "thank you, for everything mum" I said giving her a hug

She hugged me back "it's alright babe"

I smiled and then we walked downstairs to everybody else and finally routed to the church

*deep breath*

Andy's POV

I stood in the church with the guys waiting for the girls to arrive. The guests started to arrive too. As more and more people came, the more I wanted to see my beautiful bride.

Finally, the time came. The music started and the flower girls walked into followed by the bridesmaids. Christa walked in with her twin brothers either side of her and beautiful doesn't even begin to describe how she was looking rn.

As she got closer she looked even more beautiful.

The pastor asked who gives her away and both Ray and dray agreed. Christa hugged them both then joined me at the alter.

"You look beautiful"

She smiled "thank you"


"You may kiss your bride"

I smiled and looked at Christa and pulled her in for a kiss while the audience applauded us.

I pulled away and smiled at her

"Christa, I love you"

"I love you too baby"


The Maldives is the most beautiful place I have ever been in my whole life. I can not believe Andy actually bought me here!!!

"Thanks babe, this is beautiful"

He smiled "np" he held onto my hand as we walked back to the hotel room

I think we all know what went down...

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