Chapter 734

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Rhea's POV
I could not concentrate all day today 😩
I can not believe all this time Isaac has been speaking to Bethany. And Andre is still trying it with me 😤
Arghhh I just want to go home now

Aaliyah's POV
I've been trying not to acknowledge Andre's existence all day but me seeing him just reminds me of all that happened so long ago and Tbrh, it hurts but I try not to think about it.
Moving on from me...
There's something going on with Rhea and everytime I ask her she just smiles and says nothing but Ik it's something and I want to find out.


The boys couldn't pick us up today so we left college and started making our way to our houses.

Rhea's POV
Isaac asked me to come over but I didn't really wanna see him so I just said tht I weren't feeling well and I wanted to go home and tht I have hella homework to do.

Isaac's POV
Hmm Rhea's acting really weird lately, idk what's up with her. She's been being so blunt with me lately 😔
I would go over to her house but dad has a match so I have to help out with the triplets

Bethany's POV
I was sitting next to Andre on my bed thinking about what Rhea told me. Idk if she was lying or not and idek wanna talk about it with Andre either.
Ik I told Rhea that Isaac has been all over me, which was a lie... But that was the only way I could think of replying without looking like a complete idiot 😞
Andre lifted my chin so our eyes met.
"What you thinking about beautiful?"
I smiled to mask my thoughts "you"
He smiled and leaned in to kiss me and I kissed him back and we layed back on my bed and... 😈

Rhea's POV
I climbed into bed and just layed there. I started to remember when I saw Isaac and Bethany about to kiss and my heart just shattered into a million pieces. Tears ran down my face but I wiped them away. I don't have any reason to be crying

Rihanna's POV (Rhea's mum)
Idk what's going on with Rhea atm but she's been acting so anti social and being in her room all the time. She hardly even comes down for dinner and it's really getting to me. Idk what's up with her but I hope it's not anything bad or heartbreaking. Maybe Isaac can help?

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