Chapter 744

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Isaac's POV
Me Tyrell Jordan and Andy were playing COD in the downstairs games room. Jordan had the most amount of kills atm.
Four little girls came waddling in and they just started at us for like 5minutes.
"Yes Isis?"
"How can you tell them apart?" Andy asked
"Because they look different"
"No" the boys laughed "they all look the same"
I smiled "well they look the same but they look different"
"Yes Jayda?"
"Where daddy?"
"Upstairs, do you want him?"
She nodded
I sent a text to my dad telling him the girls want him.
"He's coming"
The girls just sat in a little circle on the floor and started interacting with eachother.
I smiled on continued to play COD

Jayden's POV
All four girls looked up at me
I smiled "yes princess?"
"Come on then"
I sat all the girls on cushions around the dining table and looked at the time.
I walked back into the games room
"Tyrell does Renae drink SMA?"
(SMA Is a baby milk formula btw)
"Yh she does"
I made the girls a bottle of milk each and some sandwiches cut into little slices so they could handle it. I washed some grapes and put it into 4 pink bowls and took it back to them
They smiled
I smiled "you're welcome"

Samantha's POV
"How's Renae doing?" India asked
"Oh she's fine, Jayden just went down to get them something to eat. They'll probable have a nap after that"
"Ooo okay that's good"
"How's everything?" I asked her
"It's good, Imani's growing up really fast"
"Mm same with Aysia"

Aysia's POV
I knocked on Aaliyah's door
"You okay Aaliyah?"
"Good, I was wondering..." I started, sitting on her bed
"Yh..?" She sat up
"I wanna get another piercing"
"Mmm same"
I only have my first piercing. Aaliyah has her first, seconds and cartilage
"What you gonna get?" I asked
"Well, I want my nose, me and Rhea have been speaking about it, and I also want my thirds Wbu"
"I want my seconds and cartilage"
"Come let's ask mum then"
We went into mums room and she was just finishing on the phone
"Mum, can we get a few more piercings?
She raised her eyebrows "be more specific"
"I wanna get my thirds and my nose"
"I wanna get my seconds and my cartilage"
"Ask your dad"
Me and Aaliyah went downstairs and dad was with the triplets and Renae
"Can we get more piercings?"
"What piercings?"
"Seconds and cartilage"
"Thirds and nose"
He raised an eyebrow "ask your mum"
"She said to come and ask you"
"I'll think about it"

Me and Aaliyah went into the living room.
"Where's Rio?"
"Um I think he's with Ajay"
"Oh okay"
"How are you two?"
I smiled "good"
"How's sex?"
I started creasing
"I'm being serious" she giggled
I smiled "it's good"
"Just good?"
"More than good"
She smiled "that's good"
"You better not get pregnant you know, especially before me"
I nodded "I want my first child when I'm in like my twenties"
she nodded "same"
"How's you and Tyrell?"
She started smiling bare
I smiled "taking that as really good"
"Yhh, he's so cute and when he's with his sister's its so cute aswell"
"Ik I see on his sc"
"Yhh and he's gonna be great with our daughter"
I smiled "definitely"

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