Chapter 816

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Rhea's POV

Isaac looked at me in complete shock. I looked down

"How long have you known?" He asked

"Me and Aaliyah both took the test yesterday, I'm 2months"

Isaac's smile grew "say God knows"

"God knows" I smiled

He jumped up and gave me the biggest hug and kiss.

"Aye you're carrying my twin boys" he smiled sitting back down

"Hmm nah my princess"

"Wanna bet?"

"Yh, £200 it's a girl"

"£200 it's twin boys"

We shook hands as our food was bought to the table

"Thank you"

"So what did Aaliyah's pregnancy test say?"

"You're gonna have to ask her yourself" I smiled


"All we need now is to get married" I said starting to eat my food

Isaac's POV

"Well..." I said going into my pocket

She looked up at me and her eyes opened wide as I opened the ring box to reveal I diamond ring

"Rhea Anderson, will you marry me?"

She smiled "yes, ofc I will"

I leaned in and kissed her and people on the closer tables started to clap for us

"I love you" she smiled

"I love you too"


I parked up and we got out the car at Rhea's parents' house to tell them the news.

When we told them they seemed just as shocked as I was

"Congratulations guys" they both smiled

"Thank you"

"What do you wanna have?"

"A girl" rhea smiled

"She's having twin boys, we made a bet"

Rhianna and Richard both laughed

We said our goodbye's to them and to little Riley and then routed to my parents' house.

When we got there Tyrell and Aaliyah and Aysia and Rio were all there.

"Ahh you missed the news" Aysia said

"What news?"

"We're getting married" Aaliyah smiled

I smiled and gave her a hug and spudded Tyrell


"What brings you here?" Mum asked

"I've got news too"

"And what's that?"

"We're getting married too" I said looking at Rhwa and she started to smile aswell

"Arwhhhhh congratulations!!"

Everyone shared hugs and spuds and the triplets came running in


"Heyy princess', guess what?"


"I'm getting married"

"Like Aaliyah and Tyrell?"


There eyes opened wide and they started to squeal and give me and rhea hugs.

"And-" I started

"And what?!" They pushed

I looked at Rhea

"I'm 2months pregnant"

Everyone's eyes opened wide


"Where's the baby?" The triplets asked

"In my tummy" she said rubbing it


"What do you wanna have?"

"A girl"

"No, she's having twin boys"

She rolled her eyes

"We made a bet and imma win so we'll see"

"Yh we will"

Everyone laughed

"Well..." Aaliyah started "I'm pregnant too"

Tyrell's POV

I turned and looked at Aaliyah.

"Lol I knew it"

"How?" She asked

I shrugged "just did" I smiled and gave her a hug

"Congratulations!" Everyone smiled including the triplets

"Thank you"

"What do you want?" Samantha asked

"A boy" I said

Aaliyah smiled "Idm"

"How far along are you?"


"Twinning" rhea smiled and everyone laughed

Aaliyah's POV

Can't wait to give birth

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