Chapter 640

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~>next day<~
Samantha's POV
Im really nervous about giving birth now. Ik the triplets are coming soon. Riley and Jayce are like 2weeks premature.
*iphone ringtone*
"Hey Rhys"
"India's just gone into labour"
"Oh woow we're on our way"
*locked off*
I got the lift downstairs and went to the games room
"India just went into labour"
"Come on then" Jayden said putting the pool cue down.
Aaliyah and Aysia came running down the stairs, i guess Tyrell and Imani told them and Isaac was in the kitchen.
"Aye India just went into labour" Aaliyah said to him
"Rahh" he said with a mouth full of food
We started laughing and then we routed hospital
Theres hella traffic today, i hope India is already there...

India's POV
"Arghhhh!!!" I squeezed on to Rhys' hand really tight
"Baby your nearly there" he encouraged me. The next contraction came and i pushed hella hella tight and squeezed Rhys hand
"Ahh i can see her head!" The midwife smiled "almost there India"
"ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!" I pushed again "Uhhh" i leaned my head back.
I did it🙆 i heard Renae cry and they layed her on my chest as tears came to my eyes. Shes so beautiful. I stroked my hand down her face and Rhys ran his hand through my hair
"Well done baby"
"Thank you" i smiled up at him and he kissed my lips.
They took Renae to clean her properly and Rhys cut her umbilical chord and carried her back over to me. He layed her on my chest and she started to fall asleep.
Rhys went out to bring Tyrell and Imani in to meet their new baby sister.
"Arwhh shes so cute" Imani softly cooed
"Shes tiny" Tyrell smiled
Then the rest of the squad piled into the room, Samantha's bump looking as big as ever.
"Arwhhh shes beautiful" Samantha smiled
And everyone started to give their comments

Isaac's POV
I watched as Rhea held her baby brother in her arms and looked down at him. I took a picture of her. She looks so comfortable with him. She looked up and caught me staring at her
"You look so comfortable"
She smiled "thanks"
"Still nervous about giving birth to our kids?"
She smiled and nodded
"Hmm, imma be there when you give birth anyways so everything's calm" i winked at her and she giggled. I actually cant wait to start a family with her

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