Chapter 836

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Andre's POV

I sat down next to Bethany and I didn't even know what to say to her. Like my own dad just raped her. I am praying to God that our little princess is okay, If anything has happened to her, I don't know how I would live with myself. I waited anxiously for the doctor to come back into the room.

As soon as he opened the door, my head flew to his attention

"Is the baby okay?" I asked

He nodded, "yh she's fine"

I sighed in relief "what about Bethany, is she okay?" i asked looking at her. The doctor nodded "everything is fine you just need rest" he said turning his attention to Bethany "I am very sorry for what happened to you"

Bethany just nodded staring into space and then the doctor left the room. I looked over at her. "Bethany I am actually so sorry for what he done to you-"

"It's not your fault babes-"

"It is, I should've been there to protect you from him-"

She just broke down into tears and I held her close to me "I'm so sorry babygirl"

Tyrell's POV

"Tell me what your feeling" I said looking at Aaliyah. She looked up at me and shrugged.

"I'm gonna have to get over it aren't I? Wee're gonna get married and we're gonna have a baby so I can't be so negative" she faked a smile

"Aaliyah, you don't have t pretend with me. If you're not okay, you're allowed to say so. I'm here for you"

Tears rolled down her face as I spoke but she wiped them away.

"Tyrell, I am so tired of crying, like I am so tired of it. I have had enough and I just don't know what to do anymore" she broke down

She looked so fed up with her life "babe, I need you to keep going strong for me, okay? I'm here anytime you need to talk and I need you to stop being so stressed out. You're carrying our child in there" I said rubbing her stomach. She hugged me tight and nodded in my chest

"I love you Tyrell"

"I love you too Aaliyah"

Samantha's POV

Jayden was just about to pull my top off when there was knocking on our door. I smiled and kissed him once more before going to answer it. When I did, it was my little princess'

"What's wrong babies?"

"my tummy is hurting" Isis frowned

"arwhh" picked her up and held her "would you like some medicine?" she nodded and rested her head on my shoulder. "What about you girls? Are you feeling sick too?"

They shook their heads.

"Okay, well daddy is gonna put you back to sleep and get Isis some medicine"

"Okay night mummy, night Isis" they both said before walking out of the room with Jayden following behind them, "night" we called after them.


"Yes princess?"

"I wanna speak to Isaac"

Isaac's POV

My phone started to ring and it was my mum.

"Hi mum"

"Hey, I got someone here who wants to speak to you"


"Hi Isaac"



"Whatsup princess?"

"I don't feel very well"

"arwh, how comes?"

"My tummy is hurting"

"oww, take some medicine and go to sleep yh? I'll come and see you tomorrow"



"Okay, night Isaac, I love you"

"Night princess, I love you too"

*locked off*

~next day~

I went to go pick the triplets up from school because I promised Isis that I'll come and see her.

"ISAAC!!" Skyler and Jayda ran over to me and gave me hugs and kisses. Isis followed shortly behind them looking tired as ever

"Hi Isaac!" She smiled

"Hey, you okay?"

"I'm really cold" she shivered

I touched her neck, her forehead and her cheeks. Fucking hell, she is burning hot

"hmm, lemme take you back to mine"


When we got back to mine, Skyler and Jayda watched TV and I took Isis into the kitchen and sat her on the counter. I took some frozen peas out the freezer to put on her head but she flinched.

"No Isaac, I'm too cold"

"Princess, you're burning hot"

She frowned. I went into one of the cupboards and too out the children's nurofen that I have just incase the triplets need it while they're here. I gave her the required amount and then picked her up and carried her upstairs to my room. I laid her in my bed and tucked her in.

"Get some sleep princess"

"I love you Isaac"

"I love you too Isis"

And in no time, she was sound asleep.

I took a picture of her on snapchat

Caption: My princess is sick 😩

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