Chapter 659

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Jodi's POV
Two new boys started today, Ray and Dray, theyre twins. They are hot 😍

Ray's POV
Mmm the girls in this school are hot negl.
The teacher put me and Dray with two boys called Rio and Ajay. Their girls, Aysia and Imani are mad pretty negl.
I got up and went to go sit with some girl that was bare pree'ing.
"Whats your name b?"

Jodi's POV
Ahhh hes talking to me 😩
I looked up into his dark brown eyes.
"Pretty name for a pretty lady"
I giggled "thanks, whats your name?"
"Ray" he smiled
I nodded, i was gonna say something but i stopped myself
"You look like you're about to say something..?"
I smiled "you're hot"
He chuckled "thanks b" he winked at me

Samantha's POV
Omdz Jayda was crying bare. I rocked her in my arms
"Baby are you tired??" She just cried and she was so hot. I took her onesie off.
"Jayda, you have to have some milk before you go to sleep"
I started feeding her and she got a bit agitated
"Baby come on" i soothed and she gradually started drinking the milk frm my boob
Then Skyler started crying
"Omdz" i mumbled "Jayden can you get her quickly"
"Im going shop quick, do you want anything?"
And with that he left
"I want yu to get Skyler" i said but he didnt hear.
Ffs 💆, i need the kids to come back home and help me.

I picked Skyler up and bounced her on my lap abit to stop her crying while i fed Jayda. I cant handle feeding two at once.
Jayda finished just as Isaac walked in.
"Thank God, Isaac i need your help"
"Sure, wheres dad?"
I kissed my teeth "he said hes going shop quick"
He nodded his head and put a towel on his shoulder and started to burp Jayda.
I started feeding Skyler. Isis seemed so peaceful, for now anyways.
"How was school?"
"Calm, new girl started in my year"
"Whats her name?"
"Is she nice?"
"She has twin brothers, Ray and Dray, there in Aysia year"
He looked down at Jayda
"Shes falling asleep"
"She has to burp first"
He nodded his head and soon after she burped.
"Where shall i lay her?"
"Lay her on her stomach here" i patted inbetween my legs on the bed.
Isis started to cry and Isaac went straight to her. I smiled
"Shes your favourite innit"
He smiled and nodded his head. We swapped and he burped Skyler while i fed Isis.
"Mum, aint this hard work?"
"Yh its really hard, considering your dad aint here helping me out"
"How is it when hes here?"
"Not as hard but you're doing a good job"
He smiled "thanks"
"Wheres your sisters?"
"Aaliyah soon come and Aysia is probably with Rio"
When Skyler burped, he layed her next to Jayda.
I rocked Isis abit as i fed her. The triplets are soo cutee
After i handed her to Isaac to burp her and she fell asleep in his arms.
I carefully got up and put my glasses on and pulled my hair back. Im feeling hella stressed atm
Minutes later Jayden came back
"Kl dad?"
They spudded eachother
He looked over to me and then went into his closet to hang up his coat and put his shoes away.
"What u cooking today?" He asked me
"I dnt really want to cook"
"Why not?" He asked baffed
"Because im feeling stressed"
"Ok..." he said it as if it weren't a good enough explanation so i just ignored him. Kmbct
When the girls were asleep, me and Isaac carried them to his room, i asked to watch them so i could do some chores.
I started from the bottom of the house and worked my way up. Filling the dishwashers, mopping the floors in the kitchen and passages, using the x5 mop 😌
Brushing the vanish into all the carpets, cleaning the microwaves and cookers and fridges and freezers.
By now Aaliyah was back so i got her to help me to take the clothes out the dryer, fill the washing machine, iron the clothes and fold them. We put them in the right baskets for the right rooms.
Me and Aaliyah had a little girl talk as we did this.
Cleaning the house is all mad especially the carpet coz there are hella guess rooms and bedrooms and i do the childrens rooms aswell. Theres a silent dyson vacuum for each floor so me and Aaliyah started to Hoover with no help from Jayden what so ever.

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