Chapter 789

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Jaydene's POV
Aaron had called me and explain everything that was going on and just as I got off the phone to him, the doorbell echoed through the house.
I went to go answer it to see Tina holding a sleeping Kyanne and Corey by her side. I took Kyanne from her and gave them all a hug.
"Corey, Ajay's in the games room"
He nodded and went.
Really Ajay should be asleep it's like after 11 but oh wells.
We went upstairs to my room and I laid Kyanne down and Tina broke down in tears.
I gave her a big hug and rubbed her back
"Tina he's gonna be okay"
She nodded
"Him and Aaron are twins and if they're any much alike I'm sure Marco is perfectly fine. He's strong"
She nodded again and wiped her tears
"Aunty?" Kyanne sat up in my bed
"Hi bubba"
"Where daddy?"
"Um" Tina sniffed "um daddy's gonna be back soon and we're staying with Aunty Jaydene and uncle Aaron for a bit okay princess"
She nodded and then yawned. She frowned
"I want daddy"
"He's gonna be back soon baby"
She nodded and started to drift back to sleep
"Idk how much longer I can keep this up" Tina said looking down at her bump
"He'll be back soon"

Aaron's POV
I held a gun to one of their heads
"Where is he??"
He shook his head
Amari walked in
"Rahh the famous Strapz" one of them said and the other laughed.
I shot the one that laughed in his foot and he groaned in pain
"Is that you Yh, Strapz and Young Strapz, you two brothers or something?"
"You look bare like the don we took"
"Stfu man"
"Ah shit sorry"
I shot them both in the shoulders
"so you took my twin. Where the fuck is he?"
"Argh and what are we gonna get if we tell you?"
"Your life"
They kissed their teeth and I placed the gun on one of their temples "you obviously don't care for your life"
"You wouldn't"
"Are you fucking sure?"
He didn't reply
"I will blow your fucking brain out your head if one of you don't start talking"
"Alright!!! We took him to get to you two cah boss man knows that you two would get involved"
"Who's your boss?" Amari asked
They both went silent
"TALK FFS!!!!" I shouted
"Alright man, LS"
"LS IS YOUR BOSS?!" Both me and Amari said
They nodded
"Pass both your phones"
They handed them over and we tided them to chairs on opposite sides of the room and me and Amari started making our way upstairs
"You just gonna leave us here?"
"It's either that or you get a bullet through your head, choose one" I said
They stayed silent
"That's what I thought"

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