Chapter 791

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Next day
Amirah's POV
I woke up this morning, did my hygiene and went downstairs for breakfast to see my mum, Aunty Tina Corey and Ajay
"Oh hi"
"Where's Kyanne?"
"alright, where's uncle Marco?"
Mum and Aunty Tina shared a look and just then dad walked in
"Hi daddy"
"Hi princess"
He greeted everyone else
"Where's uncle Marco?" I repeated
"Missing" he replied
"W-what do Yu mean missing?"
"Well not really missing anymore-"
"You know where he is?!" Aunty Tina basically screamed
"Yh me and Amari are gonna get him later on, those pric- I mean guys need to tell me the address"
Mum and Tina nodded and I was just baffed. Dad took me to one side and explained everything to me
"Ohh" I looked down
"Dw Mirah, he's gonna be perfectly fine"
I nodded and gave a weak smile and he gave me a hug.
Just then the doorbell rang and it was Dylan. He greeted everyone and was even speaking to Aunty Tina.
He came over to me
"You okay princess?"

Dylan's POV
"Um Yh, I'm fine"
"Hmm, did you take any tape off your mirror?"
She twisted her hips and played with her fingers
"Come on" I said taking her upstairs.
She chose another tape from the bottom and turned to me.
I pulled her in for a soft kiss making her smile and then we routed to school together
"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong now?"
"Hm? There's nothing wrong"
"Mirah don't lie to me please" I lightly sighed
She looked down "I'm just worried about my Uncle Marco"
"Why what happened to him?"
*she repeats the story*
I didn't even know what to say to her. I thought for a moment
"Babes your dad and your other uncle are gonna get him today, I'm sure he's perfectly fine"
She nodded
I held onto her hand and kissed it. She smiled lightly and we continued to walk to school


Jaydene's POV
Tina went upstairs to sleep and Kyanne was still asleep. She's been sleeping for time so it was just me and Aaron.
One of his phones started to ring so he answered it
"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?!" He jumped up making me jump
"No shutup you fucking idiot"
He ended the call
I bit my lip on a sly
Aaron is fucking sexy when he's angry Idc what anyone says.
He took a few deep breaths and then looked at me
"Why you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?" I asked playing with my hair
"Like you wanna fuck me"
I giggled "Coz I do"
He chuckled and took my hands making me stand up "why?"
"Because you sexy when your angry"
I said wrapping my arms round his neck
He laughed and then kissed my lips wrapping his arms round my waist
"We'll make love when I get my brother back okay?"
I smiled "Mmhmm can't wait babes"
He laughed and we made out for a bit
"I g2g, see you later beautiful"
"Bye babes"

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