Chapter 637

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Bethany's POV
"Tyrelllll" i smiled and he turned around to face me just as he was about to walk into the school gates. He turned around to me and smiled (good sign☺️)
"Kl Bethany?"
I walked up to him and we walked into school together
"Hows everything?" He asked me
"Good good" i smiled "wbu"
"Calm i guess, i just want my mum to give birth now"
"Awrhh, what she having?"
"A girl"
"Arwhh how far is she?"
"Nearly 8months"
"That's so cutee"'
"Hey baby" Aaliyah smiled walkin up to us
I sighed inwardly, why is she disturbing out conversation for?"
"Hi beautiful" he smiled pulling her in for a kiss
I rolled my eyes ffs
Rhea Isaac Jordan and Kasia joined us
Rhea and Isaac held hands when they looked over to me. I just ignored them because they don't phase me.
"So have you lots thought of any names for the triplets?" Jordan asked Isaac
I guess their mum is having triplets
"Yh Isis, Skyler and Jayda"
"Arwh that's cute" Kasia smiled
"Wbu, what you calling your new sister?" Aaliyah asked Tyrell
"Arwh that's a peng name"
"Thanks" he smiled "i named her"
"What you callin your new bro?" Aaliyah asked Jordan
"That's cuteee" Rhea said as we got into registration.
Jordan smiled "thanks"
Arghh. I need some more alone time with Tyrell...

Samantha's POV
I can barely walk tbh. My bump is soooooo big now. Like soooo big. So now i wear some of Jayden's XXL trackys. Idek why he has them coz theyre hella baggy on him but oh wells; they fit me 😌
Our parents are coming round today
I heard the doorbell echo through the house and i left the sitting room to go answer it. Took me like 5minutes to get there though
"Hey guys"
"Wow, you're HUGEEE" dad said
"Well thanks for pointing it out" i chuckled rolling my eyes
They all gave me a hug and then walked into the house. I led them to the sitting room and we all sat down
"Wheres Jayden?"
"Gone to get me strabucks"
His mum smiled "arwhh bless"
"You still craving that then?"
"Everyday" i smiled leaning back on the sofa.
"How are theses designs going?" My mum asked
"Well, ive completed the whole collection, finally and coloured and labelled it all"
"Ooooo let's see"
I pushed myself up in the sofa and took the lift to the top floor. Thank God for this lift because i can not hack these stairs with this big arse bump.
I went into my design room and picked up my scrapbook and went back downstairs.
I handed it to my mum and then they all looked through it.
"Hi guys" Jayden said walking in
I smiled
"Here beautiful" he said handing me the drink
"Thank you" i pecked his lips and he sat down next to me.
"How you feeling about giving birth?" Jayden's mum asked
"Um idk tbh. Im kinda scared because you know triplets are classed as a high risk pregnancy... And my midwife was telling me that i could push one out and have to get a c-section for the rest or vise versa..."
"And i really don't want a c-section"
"Why not?"
"Because i don't want the scar"
Mum smiled "im sure everything is going to go well"
"Ofc it is, imma be right there with her" Jayden smiled
I smiled back and leaned my head on his shoulder "yhhh"

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