Chapter 806

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Corey's POV

We got to the hospital and mum was put in her room and dressed in the gown.

"U kl?" I asked her

She slowly nodded

"Dads gonna be here any minute" I tried to reassure her but I didn't even believe myself.

I walked out the room and dialled on my dad

"Where are you?" I asked

"Nearly there"

"Where's that?"

"I'm nearly there, where are you?"

"At the hospital"

"Ahh shit"

"Well I hope nearly there is about 5minutes away"

*locked off*

As I was about to put my phone back into my pocket, it started ringing again


"Yh b?"

"Where are you?"


"Why?! What happened?! Are you okay?!"

I chuckled "Yh my mums just gone into labour and my dad weren't home so..."


"I called an uber to bring us here"

She giggled "I'm proud of you"

"Thank you"

"Call me when your sisters born"

"Orite bye"


*locked off*

I walked back into the hospital room and mum looked like she was in bareeeee pain

"Where's your dad?"

"He said he's nearly here"

"Where's that?"


She sighed

Moments later, dad and Kyanne walked through the double doors. He went over and gave mum a hug and kiss.

Kyanne came to me and lifted her arms up so I picked her up.

"You okay?"

She nodded

"Come on" I said carrying her out the room

~hours later~

It's about 11:00pm now and mum still hasn't given birth just getting these mad contractions

Kyanne yawned

"Corey I'm tired"

"Wanna go home?"

She nodded


I ordered an uber to come and pick us up

"I'm taking Kyanne home"


Kyanne went to go give both mum and dad a hug and a kiss and then we went outside and got in the cab.

"Are you hungry?"

She nodded

"Mc Donald's?"

She smiled and nodded again

I asked the cab man to stop off at mc Donald's drive thru and he said that's calm. I ordered me and Kyanne our stuff and we continued our journey back home.

When we got home, me and Kyanne ate our food and watched TV

My phone started to ring


"Are you guys home?" dad asked


"What's Kyanne doing?"


"Eating what?"

"I bought mc Donald's"

"Okay kl call if you need anything"

"Yh laters"


*locked off*


"Yes princess?"

"Whys mummy in hospital?"

"Because they're are gonna bring our new baby sister"

"Are they?!!!!"


"Yaaaay" I smiled and then she yawned

"Bed time"

I carried her upstairs, helped her put on her pyjamas and then tucked her into bed

"Night Corey, love you"

"Love you too Kyanne"

*days later*

My new little sister is called Kiendra (kee-an-dra) and she's bare cute.

There was knocking on my bedroom door

"Come in"

Kyanne came in and i picked her up onto my bed

"What's wrong?"

"Mummy and daddy don't love me anymore" she frowned close to tears

"Why d'you say that?"

"Because they don't speak to me or play with me anymore. They always with kee kee"

"They do still love you but kee kee is smaller than you so she needs more attention okay?"

She nodded and gave me a big hug

"You still love me right?"

"Ofc I do"

She smiled "I love you too"

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