Chapter 773

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Amirah's POV
When I got home, mum and dad weren't home it was just me and Ajay.
"You okay?" He asked me
"Yh I'm good, you?"
"Yh I'm kl, how's your boyfriend?"
I smiled "good"
"Mmm" he nodded and went back into the living room.
I went upstairs and completed some homework and then had a quick shower, washing my hair.
I towel dried it and then creamed and put on my leopard print onesie.
I sat at my dressing table and blowdryed my hair and greased it and put heat protector in it and plugged in my straighteners. I think it would look nice straightened seeing as I've recently gotten it died.

Isaac's POV
Believe it or not, I've actually gotten better at football.
I like training at the academy it's fun, I have to do a few modelling hear and there which is calm because that's just more money in my bank account ygm?

Samantha's POV
I was sitting in bed with the triplets and they were just playing with a few toys
"Ahhhhaaaaaaaa!" They gurgled
They seemed like they were having a good time

Jayden's POV
I walked into the bedroom causing the triplets to look at me
"DADDY!!!!!" They gurgled and clapped their hands.
I smiled "hi princess's"
"Uahhhaaa aaaa" they gurgled and I smiled
My babies are so cute

Dylan's POV
It's Kacey's birthday tomorrow and she's gonna be 3.
She's having a fancy dress party and ofc she wants to be a princess so I offered to take her to the Disney store to pick out her dress.
I held her hand as we got off the bus
"What princess do you wanna be princess?" I asked her
"I wanna be princess Tiana from princess and the frog!!" She smiled
We walked into the Disney store and went to the princess and the frog section and she picked out the prettiest dress there and I paid for it
"Thank you Dylan" she smiled at me as we walked out of the store
"You're welcome princess, that's not the only present I'm getting you though"
"Ooooo what else?! Tell me!!!"
"You're gonna have to wait and see" I smiled as the cab pulled up and we got in
"Snapchat please Dylan"
I smiled and gave her my phone and she unlocked it and went onto snapchat and made a vid of herself
"Hi!!!" She smiled "Dylan bought me a princess dress for my birthday but you can't see it yet. It's a surprise!!" She smiled and the video ended and she put it on my story. She's actually so cute
"What's your friends name again?" She asked
"What friend?"
"The pretty one"
I smiled "my girlfriend, Amirah?"
"Yh!! Can she come my party? I like her"
I smiled "you can ask her later Yh?"
She nodded and then leaned her head on my shoulder and started to fall asleep

When we got home she showed off her new dress to the whole family and than ran up to her room and my phone started to ring
"Hey beautiful"
"Hey babes"
"You good?"
"Mmhmm, your little sister is so cute"
I smiled "thank you, hold on she wants to ask you something?"
"Mmhmm" I said walking upstairs
"Oh alright"

"Kacey, Amirah's on the phone"
I said to her. A big smile appeared on her face and she ran over reaching for the phone and I gave it to her

"Hi Amirah!!"
"Yh I'm alright. Dylan bought me a princess Tiana dress from princess and the frog, did you see it on snapchat"
"Thank you"
"That's my favourite princess too!!"
"Yh, do you want to come to my party? Please please pleaseeee"
"I really want you to come"
"You're welcome"
"Bye see you tomorrow!"

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