Chapter 848

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Rhea's POV

"Erm... Idk" I looked down to my hands and they were shaking bare

"You're just nervous princess" I nodded as I linked arms with my dad and we walked in. Everyone was looking at me and my stomach started to feel mad.

My eyes linked with Isaac's and he had the biggest smile on his face and I couldn't help but smile. Seeing him really assured me.

We had walked to the end of the aisle and the pastor asked who gives me away and my dad agreed so I went to stand with Isaac

"You look beautiful"

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself"

He smiled and then winked at me causing my stomach to flush with butterflies.

The pastor started the service


I looked down at my ring. It was beyond beautiful and I started to tear up.

"Isaac do you take Rhea whom you now hold by the hand to be your lawful wedded wife?"

He looked from my hand up to my eyes and smiled

"I do"

"Rhea do you take Isaac whom you now hold by the hand to be your lawful wedded husband?"

I looked at Isaac and cleared my throat and smiled

"I do"

"By the power vested in me, witnessed by your friends and family, I now have the pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife" he turned to Isaac "you may now kiss your bride"

Isaac's POV

I smiled and turned to my wife and pulled her in for a passionate kiss while everyone cheered Cooed and clapped.

I pulled away and we smiled at eachother

"I love you" we both said making us laugh

"I love you too" we both said again

~ after party~

Aaliyah ran into my arms and gave me the biggest hug.

"I'm so happy for you"

"Thanks twin" I smiled and she kissed my cheek. She then went over to hug Rhea's and Tyrell spudded me.

It was time for the maid of honour and bestman speeches now.

"Rah where should I start" Tyrell said "Isaac has been my bro since day and we've always back eachother through thick and thin. Ngl, you and Rhea have come a long way and in proud of you man" he smiled and spudded me causing the audience to chuckle "congratulations both of you"

We clapped and then Aaliyah stood up

"My twin brother" she started saying it so proudly it made me smile "has married my bestfriend and now officially my sister and I couldn't be happier for them. Rhea has always been there for me and I respect that and Isaac just means everything to me tbh. I remember when Rhea was sooooooo whipped on him she spoke about him everyday without fail. But I guess that's what love does to people. Congratulations guys I'm so happy for you" she smiled while everyone clapped

Rhea gave her a hug and I went over and gave her w long tight hug and I kissed my cheek.

I love my twin so much


I carried Rhea bridal style into the private jet my dad got us and took her to her seat. Negl I'm so horny and I wanna be in her right now but imma keep my chill.

We sat down next to eachother and I rubbed her inner thigh. She smiled and leaned her head on my shoulder



"You're making me wet"


She giggled and snuggled up close to me.

"Aye you're a Richardson Riley now"

She smiled "Yh I am" she flicked her hair making us both laugh.

"Thank you so much babes, this ring is beautiful"

"Anything for you" I lifted her chin and pulled her in for I kiss

"I love you" I smiled

"I love you too"

If It's Meant To Be - ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now