Chapter 643

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Samantha's POV
They keeping me in hospital to monitor me and the triplets because this is a high risk pregnancy blahblahblah
Through the night i turned the TV on because i was bored and the triplets were sleeping. Jayden came and layed next to me.
"...Alex Brown has broken out if prison, if you see him *they showed a mug shot* call the police straight away. Hes a dan-" Jayden switched off the TV and i turned to face him.
Why is it always Alex?
When i finally finished feeding the triplets, the squad all came in to see me and the kids were back aswell.
They went home with our parents early this morning.
"Oww theyre so cute"
I smiled "thank you"

Isaac's POV
I smiled. Ik Isis is gonna be my favourite seeing as i named her. The triplets are so cuteeee, i really want them to come home now. I picked up Isis and held her in my lap as she slept.

Rhea's POV
I watched as Isaac held his little sister and it actually melted my heart. It was so cuteeee 😩 i had to take a pic and put it on snapchat. It was like the cutest thing i have ever seen in my life.

Aaliyah's POV
I looked down at my phone.
Andre_: guess what☺️
Me: what.
Andre_: my dads outta prison ☺️☺️

I looked up and my heart started beating bare fast.
"Aaliyah whats wrong?" Tyrell asked me
"I... umm- i-"
He took my phone and looked at it and then went to my dad. My dad read it then looked over to me. Them at mum
"Take her home..." he told Tyrell
He took my hand and we were about to walk out the hospital room but it was too late
"How are you Samantha?" Everyone looked up at him
And i was just frozen as my eyes started to sting with tears.
It alll came back to me...
I wanted to go. I wanted to leave but i knew i couldn't just walk past Alex. I was frozen

Samantha's POV
I looked up at him and then i looked at Jayden. I actually cba for this rn
"What do you want?"
"I came to see my babies"
"What babies?"
"The ones you just gave birth to"
"These are NOT your kids"
"They are, they even look like me" he said pulling out a baby picture of himself
"They look more like Jayden and Samantha" Jayden's mum butted in "i would know seeing as i was there since they were born"
Alex stayed silent

Aaliyah's POV
As Alex moved further and further into the room. Tyrell grabbed my hand and took me out of the room.
"Baby breathe"
I took a couple deep breaths
"Do you still have that police officers number in your phone?" I slowly nodded my head and he started to search for her.
He put the phone to his ear and started to speak but tbrh, my brain wasnt processing a word he said
He looked off and looked at me with a worried facial expression
"Aaliyah, im taking you home, right now"
I didnt move
"Baby we got to go, he broke out of prison"

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