Chapter 24: Christmas Day

Start from the beginning


Out of no where Erica, one of Riley's bestfriends, ran up to us and threw her arms around my dad.

"HI MR. MONROE! It seems like its been forever!"

"Hello Erica its nice to see you as well... Even though I saw you two days ago." Dad replied in annoyance.

Erica was a sweet girl its just that she annoyed the hell out of my dad by constantly drowning him with questions and statements and "fun facts" as she calls them. We've known her since she moved here when she was 6 and ever since then our families have been pretty close. My dad even calls her his "unexpected daughter".

"Hey Cassidy! Its been a while!" She greeted me with a hug.

"It definitely has. And you just keep getting prettier and prettier!" I stated.

She smiled and skipped over to Jordan.

"Hi J! I missed you!!!"

"I bet you did... Jk I missed you too." He squeezed her nearly to death with a hug then she made her way over to Max.

"Maximus!!!!! Looking good as ever!" She complimented as she gave him a hug as well.

"You do know my name isn't Maximus right?"

"Yea. But I know it annoys you so I refuse to stop calling you it." She winked.

After making her way around the circle she stopped in front of River.

"You must be Andrew's brother." She said.

"He's not my brother." Dad chuckled.

"Nephew?" She asked.

"Nope." River replied.

"Why do you assume we're related?" Asked Dad.

"Dark hair.... Dreamy eyes.... Heartmelting smile.... You two could practically be twins."

She put her hand on River's head and started playing with his hair, letting it run through her fingers.
"Um, who's child is this?" He asked.

Riley stood up and walked over to Erica.

"This is Erica, my parents' 5th child." He said as he put his arm around her. "7th if you count Max and Jordan."

"Yep. Even though I'm African American my dad here, Andrew, is my biological father. True story." She insisted. I couldn't help but smile at how bubbly she was.

"I'm River." River hesitantly introduced himself. "And this is Grayson."

"And I'm AJ!" AJ greeted.

"No one asked who you were." Jordan joked.

"Okay so? You're point is asshole?" AJ shot back causing Jordan to just sit back and laugh.

"Erica sweetie you're more than welcome to stay for dinner if you'd like." Mom stated.

"Good. I thought I was gonna have to ask." She replied.

By the time we were done getting warm it was 8 pm so we went to the dining room where my mom, Julisee, and Angelina had made a Christmas dinner. And just when I thought this day was going great, something happened.

My brother Daniel walked into the kitchen. Ugh.

"Whoa, Danny!! Whats up man?!" Riley eagerly shouted as he greeted Daniel. "Long time no see!"

"Dammit East you've gotta stop growing. You're gonna be taller than me soon." Daniel replied.

Xander walked up to him and they "bro hugged".

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