"Babe," Liam tugged on my hand. "You have nothing to worry about. It's going to be fine."

The sound of the doorknob twisting and opening stopped me from responding to Liam. Scott opened the door, his bright smile instantly fading to a frown the second his eyes laid on me. "What is she doing here, Liam?"

"Well, I figured since she knows about me and now you guys, I wanted to officially introduce you guys," Liam smiled as he pulled me inside Scott's house by the hand.

Scott sighed as he closed the door. "I wished you had talked to me about this first before bringing her over."

"I told you," I whispered at Liam as I slowly slid myself behind Liam, who only gave my hand a small squeeze.

"Why?" Lydia asked. "It's not a problem. I mean she's Liam's girlfriend. You've had Allison as part of the pack."

"She was a hunter," Scott defended.

"Malia," Lydia argued back.

"She's a werecoyote and needed a pack," Scott debated.

"Kira," Lydia crossed her arms. Before Scott could argue, Lydia continued as she stood up, "She was just a girl you liked when you introduced her to our pack. We didn't know she was a fox yet."

Stiles padded Scott's shoulder. "I know I'm usually the one that doesn't trust people easily, and that usually makes me look like an ass, but dude, quit being such an ass about this and welcome Y/N."

"I'd like to say I'm glad you're here." Scott sighed. "I'd like to say it."

"So say it," Liam lips formed into a tight straight line as he clenched his jaw.

Scott shook his head. "I can't do that."

"Why not?" Liam's voice deepened.

"Because I'd like her more the less I see her."

And there it was, I thought to myself as I saw Lydia's jaw drop and Stiles' eyes widen at Scott's harsh words. Liam's hand escaped from my grip as his fingers curled into tight fists, making his knuckles white. The vein in Liam's forehead made an appearance. I had never seen that before. I had never seen him this angry before and I knew I had to calm him down before he would do something stupid to his alpha.

"Take that back," Liam gritted between his teeth.

"No," Scott crossed his arms.

"Why are you being such an asshat?!" Liam scowled.

"Because she's not a part of the pack. She doesn't belong here."

"Liam," I grabbed his hand and tugged him towards me. "It's okay. I'm gonna go. You stay for your meeting and I'll talk to you later."

"No!" Liam grabbed my wrist before I could walk around Scott and towards the front door. "Scott needs to apologize."

"I'm not doing that," Scott crossed his arms.

"Oh, yes you will!" Liam jabbed his finger on Scott's shoulder. "I will not have some asshole talk to my girl that way. I don't care if you're my alpha or not, Scott."


"No," Liam cut off Scott. "I love Y/N, okay?" Every muscle in my body stiffened at his words. He had never said that to me before and I wasn't sure if he meant it or it just accidentally slipped out of his mouth during a heated argument.

"I wanted to officially introduced you guys to her because you guys are my family. You are huge part of my life and you are all important to me, but so is she. I just wanted her to be a part of something that's really important to me and who I am now as a person."

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