Chapter 15: Can't Win for Losing

Start from the beginning

"Yes sir." River saluted him with a small smirk in the corner of his mouth. I could tell he was amused but I didn't want Jordan to figure that out so I grabbed River's wrist and we went out the door.

As we were walking to his car I took the time to check out his appearance.

He wore a long sleeved black dress shirt with a black  tie with black dress pants and shoes and his hair was in it's usual style, which I loved. He looked soooo good in all black. The only thing that stuck out was a gold watch that he was wearing that looked really expensive.

"Nice watch." I said. "Looks expensive."

"Oh it was expensive alright." He said with a slight laugh.

"How much?" I asked.

"Too much." He answered. "Nearly 12k."

"12 thousand dollars for a watch?! Are you crazy?!" I yelled pretty astonished.

"You think that's crazy? Wait til you find out how much I paid for my house." He remarked.

"You've gotta tell me now." I was really curious after what he just told me about his expensive ass watch.

"Well, I don't wanna scare you away with my fortune so how about I tell you another time?" He suggested.

I could only laugh. "You're so weird." I said.

We made it to the restaurant about thirty minutes later and River checked us in. And let me just say that this was the hugest most amazing restaurant I'd ever seen!

The floors were made out of marble and the walls as well as the roof was made out of pure glass. Giant chandeliers hung around the restaurant and a small orchestra played in the very middle of the seating area. Ten foot tall fountains stood in each corner of the building and had perfectly blue water bursting out of them.

"Agréable de vous revoir petit fleuve." An older man that kinda looked like a Butler said to River. "Follow me to your seats."

The man lead us to our seats and handed us menus.

"I shall be back in a few minutes to retrieve your orders." He stated.

"Thanks Bernard." River said.

"Of course petit fleuve." The butler guy replied.

He grabbed my hand and planted a small kiss on it before walking away. "Madame." He said.

When he finally left I looked at River. "Petit fleuve? What does that mean? Does he know you?"

River giggled at my cluelessness. "It means 'little River' in French. I've been coming to this restaurant since I was 6. My parents love coming here. Every Friday we'd come... sometimes just to listen to the music. That orchestra over there is a world class orchestra from France. My dad eventually invested in the restaurant so now he owns it. Its extremely hard to get a job here because most of the people that work here now have worked here for decades. I could probably name almost every single waiter, waitress, and cook in here. Thats how Gerard and I know each other. He's worked here for over 30 years so he's basically watched Legend, Journey, and I grow up."

"Thats so awesome. So do you get like discounts since your dad owns the place?"

"I wish." He laughed. "If there's one thing my dad doesn't believe in it's spoiling his kids. He makes sure the three of us pay full price whenever we come here. There are no discounts...for us at least. And what's even more ridiculous is the fact that the cheapest meal here is 75 bucks... And a sauce."

My mouth dropped open. Who the hell would pay $75 for sauce? I still complain when I see the $1.17 chicken nuggets at McDonald's!

"So wait, your parents are filthy rich...but they didn't spoil you or your siblings when you were kids?" I asked trying to change the subject from the expensive food. "Kinda goes against the stereotype."

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