Start from the beginning

The fight between the soldiers and the remaining group was about to began when they heard a voice.

"Get down"; they heard Chad's voice.

They saw a huge eagle land on the platform of the corridor. As soon as he landed he tansformed back to human.

"Oh so you are the famous vice captain I was hearing so much about. I was waiting for so long to fight with you"; Lucas said.

"The very famous gang leader Lucas adding a billionaier girl in his team and no one know's why. He suddenly pop's out at some unknown place where he doesn't have any work to do. I still haven't figured out why did you people land up at this plave but the girl named Victoria or I must say Lora won't be destroying my plans at any cost";

"Oh! Sorry about that but we have already decided to do so"; Lucas said.

The angry Chad punched Lucas but he stopped his punch by his one hand. Suddenly light started to shine around Chad.

The people around were going to notice the vice captain's famous transformation.

The human figure suddenly started to change it's form. The light vanished. A cheetah was standing there in place of Chad.

The transformation he had performed earlier was very fast and no one was able to notice it but this time it was quite visible.

The fist that had closed to formed the punch opened and Chad attacked with his sharp claws at Lucas. But there wasn't any blood shed. Lucas hand's had just dissapeared making others shocked.

"Let us even take this match to some different place"; Lucas said.

Chad agreed and they jumped to the back ground.

The remaining three- Naxie, Sam and Cristopher started to take down the soldiers.

The water bottles from every student's bag opened up and water moved towards Naxie. She started to fight along with it. Although her control over the water was very less and the water spilled many times but she was able to manage.

Cristopher used his drugs to attack. He had transfered different kinds of drugs into bomb's or bigger pills to shoot at the people to show a particular effect.

Sam had a lot of physcial strength to save himself and take down the enemies.

The three took down each soldier by mere one or two attacks.

The spectators were shocked specially Melinda and Rachel who at that time realized the true identity of the group members.

They were not able to understand what was up. They had told bad about the group to two of it's members. They wondered how they had survived the past three days after saying that.

The soldiers from all over the town moved towards the college. Sam and the other two were not able to take them all down. Their number just went on increasing.

"Do you need any help"; they heard Lora's voice.

She landed on the corridor.
"I have also got some more help";

The two main creatures who had cause havoc in the entire town, the giants had arrived there.

The people around wondered why were the giant's supporting the group.

"I have never heard the group having any giant's before"; they heard a boy say.

"Cause there wasn't any"; Lora replied;
"Well Melinda and Rachel can you do me a favour of emptying down the college. This place is not going to be safe for you people anymore"; she said with a cheerful smile.

The two were afraid when she specefied their name but seeing her smile they realized that they weren't that afraid.

They remembered the moments they had spent together. There wasn't any time when they felt the group not to be trusted. They were not at all people to be called as a criminal.

"Yes mam. Leave it to us"; Melinda said and started to take the lead to take everyone out pf the college but the soldierd blocked the way.

"I don't hope you people to prevent them from leaving. If they will be harmed you will be all responsible"; Lora said.

The policemens evntually gave them the way.

"Naxie and Sam you can also go and do the arrangements we will take care of the people at this place"; Lora said.

The two decided to leave but yhe soldiers blocked the way immediately after the studets had left.

"Move aside"; she said to Naxie and Sam.

The two did as they were told. The girl unsheathed her sword and with just one slash defeated the entire bulk of soldiers that were blocking the way.

The other two left.

"You have got stronger"; Cristopher said.

"Yes I know"; she grinned as she started to fight with the remaining soldiers.

"You should pay more attention on your fight"; Rolando said as he knocked down Stella and noticed Richard staring at Lora constantly.

There wasn't any reply. He still was staring at her. Rolando attacked him and he had to fight back.


THE ADVENTURES OF THE MAGICAL LAND- PART TWO #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now