27). Nora AKA the new Sherlock Homes

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"Hey." I greet, sitting in one of the uncomfortable visitor chairs. It felt more like a prison than a mental health ward. I had been here for about two months and a half now, it wasn't that bad but I still wanted to die. Amelia, a new girl had moved into my room she was silent but I liked her, and I could tell Jace did too. Instead of his normal, slamming the doors open he would knock, a blush creeping on his face.

I had formed myself a little misfit group, Ciera, Nick, Oli, and even Dominic had become my friends. I learnt little things about them, gossip that made the place seem more normal.

"Hey." Alex greeted, flopping himself into the seat across from him. When Doctor Harper said I had a visitor, I had suspected Ben not Alex. "Your hair is blonde again." he blurted out.

"Yeah, the shitty soap pretty much has an 'anti dye' label."

"So how is things?" He asked, running a hand through his hair. Who knew a couple months could change a person, Alex looked different, more grown up.

"Okay, you?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. The band got signed, so we've been busy." He said, the first smile appearing on his face since coming here.

"So why did you decide to visit." I asked, cutting the tension between us.


"I don't want to hear it." I say, bawling my fists and standing up from the chair. I didn't want to be here any longer.

"Please, Nora, please. He isn't the same, why can't you two just visit each other?" Alex begged

"I don't know, maybe I'm in a fucking mental hospital because I want to die. I've tried killing myself twice while being here, who does that?" I yelled at him, clawing my hands at the chair I was holding, trying to fight back rage.

"I'm sorry, I just don't know what to do. He drinks a lot, sleeps around a lot, and I know we're young but Jack can't even keep a girlfriend." Alex continued, his face dropping.

"And that's my problem?"

"Why are you both so stubborn? I try to think this is just another one of you twos break ups, but it isn't." He half yelled at me, his breathing growing heavier.

"Just go."

Waiting for Alex to leave, I try calming myself more. I wanted to get out of here and causing a fuss wouldn't help. "Nora, I'm sorry." Alex apologizes, pulling his jacket from the chair. Heading towards the door, Alex spoke to the nurse for a moment before turning to me. "He still loves you."

Ben came in straight after Alex, giving me no chance to leave and just go back to the recreation room. Across from us, Ciera was talking to her Nana in their own language. "Hey." Ben greeted, sitting down in the place were Alex just was.


"How was your conversation with Alex?" He questioned, resting his head on his hands and staring at me.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Yeah, I understand but from all the commotion I'm sure Doctor Harper will." Ben continued, blonde hair falling over his face, he needed a hair cut badly.

"So what's up." I smile, stretching my hands in the air.

"Nothing much but you look happier than usual. That's a surprise since Alex stormed out before."

"What can I say? I'm bipolar and depressed, just living the high life. Also a recovering drug addict, the weird shit they give me to get off the addiction makes my tongue turn black." I continued, opening my mouth and showing Ben my black tongue. Of course, I was putting a happier light on unhappy situations. I haven't been sleeping well, at all, it's something to do with the drugs.

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