14). The Squid Of Our Love

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*A/N* Sorry this has taken forever, my laptop keeps dying. I've written this chapter like 5 times and it keeps getting ruined by my computer crashing or something going wrong. I can't be bothered editing, I just want to get this chapter out.

Nora's POV

"Nora sit with us." Josh told me, pulling on my sleeve towards his table. I could feel Jack gaze burning into my back, it was the main reason I never ate lunch here. It also didn't help that I hated eating in front of people. I never knew if I was being too loud, or they were judging me about what I was eating. Pulling me towards his table, a group of people smiled at me.

"Nora, everyone. Everyone Nora." He greeted, pulling me to a seat next to him. I didn't realize how hyperactive Josh was until he was pulling me down the school hallways.

"Hey Nora. I'm Halsey." A girl greeted, her hair a vivid shade of blue.

"Uh, Hi?" I replied back, causing Josh to laugh.

"Nora they're not going to bite you."

Elbowing Josh in the side I quickly replied. "Yeah but I'm not good with new people."

"Okay, well you know Tyler, Hayley, and Brendon. That over their is other Josh." He continued.

"Other Josh?" I ask raising an eyebrow at the guy drinking coke zero in the corner of the blue table.

"Yeah he doesn't talk much." Josh admitted.

"Says you." Brendon laughed before Josh Dun flipped him off.

"You know you can go hang out with your other friends." He warned causing Brendon to go quiet.

"But you know Ryan's there." He pipe in, causing all of them to stare at Brendon. Everyone in the whole school building knew about his crush.

"So is Pete." Halsey, added in, toying with the straw in her drink and watching my reaction. By now everyone in the entire world knew that I was dating Pete and it was awful, I didn't even like him. I'm pretty sure Patrick doesn't like me now, which sucks because he was the only one to talk to in chemistry.

When they don't hear a reply from me, Hayley asks "Trouble in paradise?"

"Something like that." I mumble, staring down at the food I hadn't touched. Josh's is sending me an apologetic look but I ignore it.

"What is he not good in bed?" Brendon asks popping an apple slice into his mouth, causing everyone to stare at him again. "What?" He asks, mouth full of apple.

"Brendon I think you need Jesus. Seriously, you can't ask everyone who they've fucked." Hayley lectured him.

Ignoring Brendon, Halsey turned her attention back on me. "What happened to what his name? Jack? The one who's been staring at you this whole time." This drew all the attention back on me, and I wanted nothing less that to curl into a ball and die. Even other Josh was staring at me in curiosity sipping his coke zero.

"Uh..." I hesitate trying to find the words to explain me and Jack.

"You guys stop torturing her for all her secrets." Josh interjected, taking the weight off her shoulders.

"Where is the other two?" Tyler asked, looking over at Jack's table.

"Yeah buzz-cut and the other one." Halsey added.

"Um I don't know. Also it's Rian and Alex." I replied. It was weird that Alex and Rian weren't with Jack. Jack wasn't alone, he had Jenna and her crew but it was weird seeing without one or the other.

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