7). Drugs Don't Mix Well With Love

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*A/N* Hey guys, I finished this chapter a day early so I thought I would publish it today instead of tomorrow. The next chapter should be up next Wednesday NZ time, but don't hold me to it because I procrastinate a lot.

*Nora's POV*

I don't know why I took those pills the little blue and red ones I got from Pete after school. He'd offered me them several times with a grin, holding them out in little sandwich bags. Most of the time, I would refuse making a snark reply that I didn't want to end up emo trash like him but this time I didn't.

I took the pills, not knowing that I was going to do with them. Everything was just stressful, I needed a break. That's how I ended up swallowing a little red and blue pill dry. Right before Jack walked in the hitchhikers ditch. If had known the weird skunk haired dork was going to appear I wouldn't have taken them. Jack didn't like drugs, he never told me why. He always said they were bad news and messed with his system.

Maybe if I hadn't taken those pills, I would be sitting in English craving two things. The feel of Jack's lips on mine and the Buzz of the tiny pills. I wasn't even sure if these feeling were because of the pills. I mean Jack's one of my best friends of course I love him, but I don't think I could ever love love him. It doesn't matter if these feeling are true because Jack deserves better than me.

Chewing on the end of my pen, I stare down at the project wondering where to start. There's set of brown puppy dog eyes staring at me doesn't help. I'm trying to ignore him but It's Jack he's almost impossible to ignore. Sighing, I set the pen down and unplugging one of the little blue headphones from my ear.

"What?" I snap, looking at the three boys sitting at my table.

"Nora we're meant to be doing a group thing." Rian pipes up, as he flicks through his book at points at the work we're meant to be doing. Well it's hardly a group project when Jack has the attention span of a goldfish and Alex procrastinates everything.

"Oh, sorry I'm not feeling well." I lamely excuse myself. The truth was I was craving those pills, it wasn't even an addiction. I just wanted something to fill the hollowness. There's also a part of me that enjoys the burning sensitization, but I quickly push it away. Then it hits me, I'm using Jack, just like the drugs I'm searching for something to fill the hollowness. I need to get out of here, I can feel Jack's gaze piercing through me and the walls closing in, I can't breathe.

"Miss, can I go to the nurse." I call out, politely. Ms Hope, nods at me, happy to get rid of another student. Packing up my stuff, I rush out of the room, not planning on going to the nurse. Instead I was going to find Pete, the only problem with that is Patrick. Pete will never give anyone drugs if Patrick is around, Patrick is the better half of the boy, he keeps him in line.

I start to panic when I can't find Pete anywhere. He's not in his usual places, maybe for once he isn't bunking class. I needed those little pills, they made me feel better, but Pete wasn't here. "Nora" A voice calls out, turning around I come into face with a distressed looking Jack. I didn't notice him following me out of English and down the hallways.

"Yes?" I snapped, feeling frustrated I didn't want to talk to Jack. He just made everything more complicated. I got out of English just to get away from him, still I feel guilty I've been pushing him away.

Shrugging, Jack sheepishly replied. "Ms Hope kicked me out for drawing dicks all over the table."

I look at him, blinking for a few times before what he said registered through my mind. "Let me guess you're meant to go see the principle but your ditching class?"

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