12). The awkward moment when you forget to name the chapter.

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[A/N] The new Marianas Trench song is beautiful and nobody can tell me otherwise. Also sorry this chapters a little short.

Nora's Pov

I'm avoiding Jack. How do I tell them that pills matter more than our friendship? He just wouldn't understand.

I narrowly escaped his piercing gaze in the school hallways by slipping into the toilets. Every movement feels awful now, I can feel the fabric of my jeans rubbing against the cuts on my leg. For the first time ever, I sat out in gym, I couldn't bring myself to do any of it. I'm failing the only things I could do, everything's horrible, and it's my fault.

I guess it's my choice to spent lunch times in the shady corridors of the school or eating lunch in the toilets. Every time I have to hold hands with Pete I die inside, it's not even a understatement. Sure Pete's attractive, he has the whole 'emo reject' vibe but he's not Jack.

The only good thing that's happen recently is my parents got their favorite child back. They're starting spoiling him because 'they're sorry' and 'they love him'.

The world's like that. One day everything great, you're happy, but then it has to balance out, all the bad things come raining down. My parents would call this God's doing. I talked to the Pastor last time I was at church but I don't understand what he means when he talks about God. You never get a straight answer with him but I guess that's life.

I'm not anti religious, I just don't know who or what to believe in anymore.

Checking my appearance in the dirty mirror, I can't help but let out a sigh, I look awful. The dye is fading from my hair, and I can't help but notice the ugly birthmark above my eye. I don't know when I started hating myself, one day I must have looked in the mirror and decided I didn't like who I am. I wish I could be someone else, I'm sick of my face and mind, why can't I be a different person?

It seems selfish to ask to be someone else but I can't help it. There are people living worse than me, people who would trade a kidney for this life and here I am bitching.

"Nora?" I hear Alex's voice say but it can't be him, I'm in the girl's toilets. "Nora." His voice repeats, it's close so I know he's in here but I'm transfixed on the mirror. "Nora!" Alex repeats once again but this time he's yelling. Blinking, I turn towards him except he's not alone, there's people surrounding me. Turning back to the mirror, I stare at my reflection except the mirrors shattered. Looking down at my feet, to find my hand dripping blood onto the floor.

That's when everything goes dark.

Jack's POV

Nora's avoiding me, which is obvious, to be honest I'm avoiding her too. I saw her in the hallway earlier but she darted away like a ghost, Alex decided to wait outside leaving me with Rian. Alex wants to talk to her for answers, I know I shouldn't be jealous but I am, maybe Nora broke up with me for Alex? That made no sense but it made more sense than Celia telling me in Math that she now dated Pete.

"Ri, I don't understand why she would ended with me." I whined, hoping he could tell me.

"Jack didn't you say you weren't even properly dating..." Rian trails off, I know he's trying to help but he's just making it worse.

"Yet I still feel like shit." I mumbled, causing Rian to sigh before patting my shoulder in an attempt of comforting.

"Dude, you fall in love more than once." He tells me but I'm not sure I believe it. It seems to be stupid to say I love Nora but I do, she's perfect, beautiful and funny. This is all some stupid teenage crush, I know it. I know that this most likely isn't real love but she's still my best friend.

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