Chapter 29: Thanksgiving

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We tried our best to clean up Tae's room. Everything seemed normal to me, so we left everything and went back to the living room where we had our dinner date. I sat back down and grabbed the beer that we never really got to drink.

"Since I didn't get any, might as well." I popped it open with a spoon and drank a huge jug of beer from it.

"Might as well too." Taehyung sat beside me and opened his bottle, taking just a tiny sip of it.

"You barley even drank that." I tapped his beer bottle against mine.

"Well maybe because I don't want to drink that much all at once. Like some people." He pecked the side of my head.

We suddenly heard the door knob wiggling from the front. "We're home!!!" Jimin yelled across the hall. Everyone gathered in the living room and sat themselves around the place.

"Did you guys have a good time?" Hobi patted our heads when he passed by.

"Yep." Tae stretched his arm around me and held my shoulder.

"So I heard you guys planned this whole thing with Tae overnight." I turned my head slightly to their direction since they were behind us and we were facing the opposite direction.

"So he told you huh? Well yeah, he kinda planned the whole thing once he saw you... I wasn't supposed to mention that, but oh well." Yoongi laughed with his own "slip".

"Aiish. I hate you Yoongi!" Taehyung shut his eyes in embarrassment.

"Really?? I never been told that actually. Thanks Yoongi for the info." I smirked at Taehyung when he opened his eyes again.

"Thanksgiving is tomorrow so we're gonna have a feast together! And our next new mini album, The Most Beautiful Moment in Life part 2, is going to be released soon. AND we're performing at the MAMA awards. AND. Jin-hyung birthday is coming up. So many things in our hands! it's amazing!" Hobi doved on top of our laps.

"ARMYs!" They all screamed.

"Guess we could all go to bed now, we have a long week." Suga stood up from his seat and went to bed, followed by everyone else except me, Taehyung, and May.

"So, where are we sleeping? Jungkook and Jimin forgot that we're sleeping in their rooms and took it back for tonight." May sat beside me.

"We could just sleep here." I pointed behind me at the sofas.

"Aww man." She groaned and threw herself onto my lap. "Do we have to sleep here?" She kicked her legs.

"I can ask Namjoon if you guys could sleep in our room tonight." Taehyung stood up and started walking towards his room.

"We could just sleep here, it's no big deal." I swatted May's forehead and stood up. "She's just a big complainer, she'll deal with it."

"How about this? Since you wouldn't mind sleeping here, I'll sleep here with you and May can go sleep on my bed." He walked back to me and took my hands.

"I would love that." I tippy toed and kissed his chin. "Now, is that okay?" I turned to May.

"Fine... I feel fine with that, but if Namjoon doesn't feel comfortable with it.... Well sucks for him cus I'm still sleeping there." She grabbed her pillow and left for Taehyung's room.

We heard her ask Namjoon for permission and he accepted her in.

"I'm tired." I drooped my body and threw myself onto the couch.

"Me too." He followed behind and laid on top of me.

"Owww, you're heavy." I tried saying. "You know I can't take on your body like this." I turned to face him.

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