Chapter 9: Friends

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After the conversation I had with Hobi, he convinced me to go sit with everyone else again. As we got there, I apologized for leaving the group to eat on my own.

"It's okay y/n. We understand." Luke looked up and smiled cutely.

Taehyung, who was sitting beside Luke, was already giving him dirty looks for smiling at me. Not again.

I nodded and proceeded to get back to my seat. "Excuse me guys." I got through Namjoon, Jin, and Suga and sat back down.

"So what did you guys talk about?" May sipped her soda.


"What did you and J-Hope talk about over there? I saw everything." She winked.

"Ah... Uh.. It's seriously not like that. He was just teasing me and stuff. Then he asked me to sit with you guys again." I rolled my eyes and slotched in my seat.

"Mmmhm. You two were totally giving each other googly eyes." She smirked.

Jungkook was giggling, "You two definitely have a thing." He whispered so J-Hope wouldn't hear.

"Shut up." I kicked both of their legs under the table.

"So anyways, how's your man?" I said, slurping the last of my soda.

"Oh.... Him." May rolled her eyes, "We're over."

"WHAT?! WHEN?! I yelled. I looked around and apologized for yelling.

"Why?!" I said whispering.

"It was two months ago. And because he was a douche to me and ditched me on our date to hang with his friends. What kind of boyfriend does that?" She squeezed her soda.

"Woah. Woah. Calm down." Suga touched her hand. "It's okay, there's plenty of other douches out their just for you." He smirked.

"You're so mean to me." She let go of her cup.

"It's scary to see you guys close to May. It's like you guys just met yesterday." I said to Suga.

"That's your fault for missing two months without us." He said back.

"It's not my fault my mom died and I was depressed about it." I smacked back.

"Sorry.." He said.

"It's fine." I laid my head on his shoulder. "I missed you all so much." I whispered.

"Ahh. Is everyone finished?" Namjoon crunched his bag and paper cup and threw them on the tray.

"Yep." Jin quickly said. "Should we head back to our place and show y/n around?"

"Good idea. y/n?" Namjoon asked.

"Hm, yeah that's good." I looked at Namjoon.

"You guys got a place here? I thought you were living in South Korea." Luke asked.

"Nah, we moved here now. It's near y/n's place. It's pretty huge, it fits everyone here in it. We even got extra rooms if you guys ever want to sleep over." Namjoon said to Luke.

Don't tell me these two made up too.... And why did you say it was close to my place?! Namjoon you're dead. I said in my head.

"That'll be so cool, could we go see too?"

Please say no. Please say no Namjoon.

"Sure. You guys can come if you want." Namjoon didn't dare to look at me after we got everything ready.

"I'm gonna kill you." I whispered as I passed him and went to my car.

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