He chuckled, and kissed me quickly.

"Then come on. Let's get this wedding started!" I chuckled at his excitement and we all got in line.

Hiccup was already there, and one by one we all walked up there to join him. Once we were all in position, Merida walked down the aisle.

Because her family was dead, Hiccup's father was walking her down the aisle, and he was huge! Compared to him, Hiccup looks like a talking fishbone.

Anyway, I watched as they said their vows and kissed, and tears flowed out of my eyes. All I have wanted for such a long time is to see my loved ones happy.

Jack looked across at me and mouthed, 'I love you' at me. I mouthed, 'I love you too' to him, then everyone left to go to the reception party.

I had personally helped pay for most of it because this is Merida and Hiccup here. I wanted them to have the best wedding. The party was at this huge mansion, the decorations were themed indoor forest.

I smiled at how everything turned out. I love interior decorating, so this made me happy.

"Hey, want to dance?" Jack asked from behind.

"Your tracker. We aren't at the wedding anymore." I said softly, and he nodded in realization.

Since Merida and Hiccup were going on their Honeymoon after this, I wouldn't be able to see Jack for over a month. I sighed and glanced at my stomach.

I can't stay in the Nightmares much longer. I only have around 2 months and 1 week until I start showing or maybe less. Hans isn't observant, but he stares at my body constantly, so he is going to notice a baby bump.

No, I was going to figure out a way. I had to. I want this baby so bad, and I was going to fight for it. I'll think of something to do about Anna, then again I always think of the best stuff when I'm under a lot of pressure.

I sigh and sit down at the table with all of the other bridesmaids. I don't know any of them, and they went on about the dumbest things. One of them kept wondering if dogs had brains.

Of course dogs have brains! Didn't that girl ever take an anatomy class or read a book on anatomy?

I looked around and noticed I had no idea who anyone here was. Then again, Elsa didn't really go out a lot and Elizabeth only went out for food or drinks. I avoided people constantly.

"Elsa, come on. Dance with me." Jacks said from behind.


"Come on, the best man is allowed one dance with the maid of honor." he said.

I chuckled and got up. We walked onto the dance floor, then started to dance. I leaned my head against his chest and took in his scent. I missed this, a lot. Just being close to him. I wonder if we lived together, would it still be this way?

I actually lost track of how long we were like this. It could have been minutes or hours, either way I didn't care, I just never wanted to stay like this and never leave.

"Elsa, you want to come over to my place tonight?" Jack asked.

I was about to answer, when someone answered for me.

"Sorry, but she is going to be spending it with me. I am her boyfriend after all." a cold voice said. I turned and gasped. Hans!

He pushed Jack off of him, then men came and started dragging him away. I tried to get to him, but Hans was holding me back.

"You meet me at my place at 12 o'clock tonight or else we kill him and your sister." he said, then walked out. I listened to Jack screaming my name, and I knew I was crying. Everyone was looking at me, but I didn't care. I walked up to Merida and Hiccup who looked just as worried as me.

"Please, please help me." I said.

"What do you need us to do?" Hiccup asked.

"I need you to kill some people, to kidnap three people, and get Jack." I said, "I'll get Hans."

"Elsa, what is the plan here?" Merida asked.

I stood there thinking for a few brief seconds then looked at them. I dragged them into an empty room and locked the door.

"Okay, I just made this up literally in 15 seconds so it has a lot of issues. The plan is...."

Jack's POV

I was standing here dancing with my wife and child.... child, our child. I love the sound of that.

I can't believe she is pregnant, and we are going to have a baby. At first when I heard I thought I was hearing things or I was dreaming, but this is actually happening. We are starting a family!

I am worried about what we are going to do with the whole Nightmare situation, but we'll think of something. Worst case scenario, we can fake our deaths and move away.

Elsa really looked beautiful tonight. The pale purple dress complimented her pale skin, her long hair was down in beautiful curls, she had on just the right amount of makeup, just perfection.

I am sad that I won't be able to see her for over a month, because you know, she is pregnant and I should be around to help her through it.

"Elsa, you want to come over to my place tonight?" I asked.

She opened her mouth to answer, then someone started talking.

"Sorry, but she is going to be spending it with me. I am her boyfriend after all." a cold voice said. I turned and gasped. Hans!

He pushed me off of her, then men came and started dragging me away. I struggled against them, and Elsa was trying to reach me, but Hans held her back.

Was he going to hurt her!!!!

I screamed her name terrified of what is going on in the room, and not a single sound came out.


I fought back even harder, but there were 7 guys on me. They tied me up and threw me into a van. They took me somewhere across town, and chained me up in this pitch black room. Like I seriously couldn't see a thing.

"Cozy?" Hans's voice said.

"I've had worse." I replied.

"We'll see. You see this room is a very special one. Whenever an agent disobeys and disappoints, we take them to one of these buildings, and torture them for days, and some of them never leave. Each Nightmare has their own room, and this, this room is Elsa's." he said, then the lights turned on. I gasped in horror.

There was dried pools of blood on the floor, dried blood smeared across the walls, patchs of old torn off skin and hair over the floor too.

This was all hers!

He chuckled at my reaction.

"Surprising isn't it. Most agents never make it to half of the stuff we did to her, but she is a fighter. You see in my eyes, everyone is like a horse. Strong, independent, free, stubborn, and feisty. The only way to train them, is to break them. I have been trying to whip that fight out of her for years now, but she always found something to hold on to. She is unbreakable you see, but you, you are not." he chuckled.

"You are a monster." I glared at him.

"That is the thing with unbreakable stuff, it is amusing doing unspeakable things to them, but after a while it gets boring. You start to wonder is it even worth keeping them around." he smirked.

"What did you do to her?" I hissed.

"I slit her throat, she's dead." he said, and I felt like my insides were shattering.

"No." I whispered softly while letting tears stream down my face. She is dead. My wife and child are dead!

"I'm going to go, and when I get back we shall see are you as strong as your former partner." he said then walked out the door.

Moment he was gone I started sobbing in here alone.


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