Crown of Corona

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Elsa's POV

It has only been a few days since the last robbery, and I already have another one to do. I have to steal the Crown of Corona. l am currently at my room in the Nightmare base getting ready. I washed all of my spray on tan off, and took off my wig. I grabbed my coat, mask, gloves, weapons, and gadgets, then left for the museum. This time, things would be easier. There was less security guards and the only thing I had to get past was lasers.

Once I got to the museum I put in my earpiece.

"Alright Artemis, this is Avalanche. Are the alarms for the doors disabled?"

"Yep, get in there and do your thing." she said.

I pulled out my gun, and walked up the steps to the front door of the museum. I shot the two guard in the neck, then walked in. One by one I shot down all of the guards, but none of them would remember it was me. The darts I'm shooting them with takes away the last 5 minutes of their memory as well as puts them to sleep for 30 minutes.

I walked through the museum admiring all of these pieces of history on my way to the crowns room. I finally made it to the room where the crown was, and looked around. I took out a special spray, and sprayed it in the air. This spray allowed me to see all of the lasers, and what type they are. These were your standard set off alarm lasers.

I put the spray away, then started flipping through the laser field. I was trained to do this and was good at dancing and gymnastics, so it was no problem. I easily made it across the room, to where the crown was.

"Alright Artemis, I'm at the crown. What type of alarm is on it?"

"It is an alarm based off of weight." she said, "I can slow it down so you can put something on it, but you will only have around 1.5 seconds tops to make the switch."

"Okay, how much does it weight?" I asked.

"Only a pound." she said.

I went to my utility belt, and pulled out my water bottle. I had a tendency to get thirty on the job, so I always brought water with me.

"Okay, making the switch." I said, then very quickly switched the two. I waited to see if an alarm went off, but it didn't."

"Okay, thanks Artemis. See you soon." I said, then looked down at the crown.

It was such a tiny thing, but still it was so beautiful. I looked around in the room and found a mirror. I walked over to it, and took off my hood and mask. I undid my braid, then gently placed the crown on my head. I smiled at my reflection, it reminded me of when me and Anna would play princess and dress each other up when we were young. I felt a tear slide down my cheek, and I froze.

Now is not a time to be weak, I knew what I was giving up when I left her, but it was for the best.

I wiped the tear off my face, then took off the crown. I re-braided my hair, and put my hood and mask back on.

I really miss Anna, but she is safer without me in her life.

I sighed in sadness, and around to leave. I jumped when I heard someone from behind clapping. I turned around to see chief inspector Frost walk out of a dark corner.

"Well done princess, I was sure the weight alarm would have gotten you for sure." he said sounding almost impressed.

I left my snowflake on the floor and shrugged, "I am clever, and good at improvising."

"Yeah, good skills to have. They will help you survive prison." he said walking towards me.

"I don't think so." I smirked.

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