First Heist

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Jack's POV

I woke up at 7 in the morning, and started getting ready for work. I showered, then got myself dressed in a pair of brown jeans, navy blue shirt, dress shoes. Then I jumped on my motorcycle, and drove to Elsa's house.

It was still early, but I knew she traditionally woke up really early. I also know she wanted me to stay away, but I just wanted see did she make it back alright.

When I arrived at her house I knocked on the door, and her maid Gerda opened it.

"Hi Gerda, is Liz here?" I asked.

"No, she just left to get coffee at the Starbucks. She just left, so if you really need to speak to her she shouldn't be too far away." Gerda said, then closed the door. I drove off, and saw the press circled around someone, who I soon realized was Elsa.

"Elizabeth, is it true that you are going to the concert in France?"

"Yes, and it is a dream come true." she smiled while continuing walking.

"We have notice you spending a lot of time with Inspector Frost. Are you still single, or finally taken?" someone asked her making me blush for no reason.

"I am still single and ready to mingle." she chuckled, "Now I think that is all I'm answering for today." she said, then walked into the Starbucks.

I wanted to go in there and have breakfast with her, but I knew she would just walk away, so I continued on driving until I reached work. I had a lot of paperwork to do, since I missed some days, but I easily managed to make it up. Most of the work was about the Nightmares, and Avalanche. She was really building a name for herself, and in a few months, it would be world wide.

"Jack, hey what's going on?" Hiccup asked.

"Work, what about you?"

"Nothing much. After work I'm taking Merida to a shooting range." he said sounding excited, he really loved that girl.

"So, how are you and Liz coming along?" he asked smirking at me.

"Well, not so well." I said and told him everything from last night.

"Dude, she really loves you." he chuckled.

"Then why did she run?" I asked sarcastically.

"She loves you enough to stay away from you. She wants to protect you, even if it means she loses you." he said, "And here you thought I was retarded when it came to women."

"What!?!?" I said with my voice almost cracking.

"Yeah, she's been shutting Merida out to lately. Merida is getting worried about her. Mer says that she doesn't want to hurt anyone when she moves, so she is trying to detach herself from everyone else."

"You knew she was moving?!?!" I said starting to get mad.

"Well I knew she was thinking about it. But first she had to pay off her debt."

"How much does she have left?" I asked.

"Mer estimated around $50,000- $75,000. It is hard to determine though. Mer says she only has to do a few more robberies, well good ones, and she is finished."


"Yeah, she has one tonight. Apparently this is your test drive too. Don't screw up or another $100,000 gets added to her debt, and she gets tortured." he said.

Right now all my brain could process was Elsa, Liz, Avalanche, all of them loved me? It seemed a little far fetched, but anything is possible. I got a text, and Hiccup looked at the number.

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