Returning the Favor

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Jack's POV

I walked into the meetings room, and Hans, Merida, and some creepy guy was all sitting there. This guy was like the definition of a creep; pale skin that looked almost gray, black spiky hair, tall, and glowing yellow eyes. He had on all black, and a smirk on his face.

"Hello honey." Hans said to Elsa.

"Hello my sweet." she said so convincing I had to do a doubletake, "Now lets begin this meeting, shall we."

"Ah Elsa, professional as usual." said the creepy guy.

"Umm..... forgive my ignorance, but I'm new here. Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Pitch Black, I am the leader of the Nightmares." he said, and I nodded my head.

"Anyway." Hans said once we both took our seats, "Elsa and Jack, we want you to steal The Ruby Rose."

"What!?!" Elsa said wide eyes, "Hans, they are only showing that rose for a few hours and then it's gone."

"I know." he said blankly.

"Hans, we can't do that. Especially since it is Jacks first time at this, perhaps something ea....." she was cut off when Hans stood up and smacked her hard across the face several times.


"Hans, control yourself around the merchandise. You don't want to hurt our diamond girl." Pitch said way too coolly.

Merchandise, they consider her merchandise?! She is a person for crying out loud!!!

"Now Elsa, you are are best at this game. How should we go about stealing this?" Pitch asked.

"Pitch, I don't think this is a good idea." Elsa said again.

"And I think if you say one more unusful word that it won't be a good idea for your pregnant sister. Now give us something, and it better be good."

"Fine. The rose is obviously going to be guarded with both men and security cameras. The pedestal it is on though has no alarms. There is only going to be one time where the guards won't be around it and that is during the dance competition that is going on that day at the museum as a dedication for the rose. I am going to be in that competition and I'm going to assume that Jack is going to be my partner. I can get up close enough to make the switch while we are dancing."

"Okay, but what about the cameras?" Hans asked.

"Just getting to that. We are going to film me and Jack dancing before the competition, and then Merida can edit that into the video feed that way it will look like we never did anything."

"I like that plan, but we want the world to know the Nightmares did this." Pitch said.

"Then send in a large group of Nightmares right after we dance, and have them steal the fake rose." she said. Wow, that was actually a really good plan.

All went silent for a while, then Pitch started clapping.

"This is why you are the best. Darling that was excellent. Anything you need for this heist?"

"I need a dancing outfit with a long red cape in the back, as well as the duplicate rose on the hip. The fake rose has to be able to come off and the actual one has to be able to stick on. I think that is it, at least for now."

"Alright, I'll see what we can do." Pitch said.

Everyone left, but Elsa stayed behind. Since she was my ride so did I.

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