Welcome to the Nightmares

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Elsa's POV

"STOP!!!" I yelled.

All of their eyes turned to me, and they lifted Jack's head out of the water. He was gasping and coughing hardly, blood coming out of his mouth.

"Trying to take away our fun." Clayton mumbled.

"Why should we stop, he has made us kill dozens of our own?" Hans asked, "Do you have feelings for him?" he asked me madly.

Okay Elsa, what the hell is plan again?

"Him, please give me some credit. I don't care if you kill him or not, but know that you are wasting a beautiful opportunity." I said calmly.

"I'll think I'll kill him." Hans said turning away from me.

"Your loss." I said, then started looking at my nails. I heard Hans growl and turn to me.

"What loss?" he said. I wanted to smirk so bad right now, I knew he would take the bait.

I walked over to Jack, pushing Mordu and Clayton away. I grabbed to collar of his shirt and he started struggling. I growled in frustration and bent down.

"Work with me here." I whispered so only he could hear it. He gave me a questioning look, but stopped struggling. I sat him down in a metal chair and looked at everyone.

"He is an inspector, one of the highest ranks in the police force. He could be a huge asset to us. He could keep cops off our trails, make it easier for us to break in to stuff, and clean our records. He could also cover for us. Think if he was part of the Nightmares." I said, and Jack looked at me like I was crazy, but I ignored him. "Now why would you kill something so valuable?"

"Well as interesting of a proposition as that was, he would never cooperate." Mordu growled at him.

"Maybe not now because you are trying to kill him, but trust me, he will." I said slyly.

"We don't have time to train him, and no one would be willing to work with him."

"I would. I can train him and he will be my partner in crime."

"He can't be trusted." Hans said glaring at him.

"Then I will make him be trusted." I said swaying my hips walking over towards Hans, "I can be very persuasive if I want to be." I whispered to him, then nipped his earlobe.

Hans shivered at my actions and smirked, "Someone is in a good mood."

"Guess so, but probs won't last long." I smirked, "Please let me train him. I need a reliable person by my side, plus he is invaluable to the Nightmares." I said.

"Are you sure your up to it?" Hans looked at me concerned, which pissed me off. He didn't care if when he saw beating me up, but now he is all concerned. Still I restrained myself and I didn't show it.

"Of course, I am the best at my field. I will get him to join and I will train him. I will do everything, don't worry." I said sweetly while resting my head on Hans shoulder. I felt him sniff my hair, and I could feel a tear run down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and turned so I could smile at Hans.

"So, what do you think honey?" I asked Hans while smiling sweetly.

"I will give you a shot. If you can't persuade him, then I will kill him. You have until morning or off with your sisters head. Do not disappoint me." he said.

"Have I ever?" I asked.

"That's my girl." Hans said. The little prick grabbed my ass, then started kissing me. I hated his kisses, they always involved tongue and it was just gross. Don't get me wrong he is a good kisser, but his kisses were always hot, desperate, and harsh. I wanted a cool kiss, that was sweet, filled with love, passion, and emotion.

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