"Errrm," he hiccuped, then sighed. "That whole thing." He pointed to an almost empty jug of vodka, surrounded by three cans of Coca-Cola.

"Good lord, Harry!" Anne picked up the glass bottle, shaking the small amount that was left in the bottom. "Why would you drink all of this? You haven't drunk like this in a long time." She sat the bottle down and pulled Harry to lay down on her lap.

"I miss Annabelle soooo much." Harry yawned. "She was the bestest girlfriend in the world ever."

"You're the one who made her leave, buddy." Anne ran her fingers through Harry's hair, making him hum.

"Annabelle used to do that," he hiccuped again, "Soooo much, you know, and then," his voiced raised like a little boy who was getting excited. "Then I would kiss her." He smiled, sitting up and looking at his mother with a goofy grin. She laughed lightly, rolling her eyes and pulling him back down onto his lap.

"Just give her time, maybe she'll forgive you if you ask her nicely." Anne talked to Harry as if he were a young child, knowing it kept him calm when he were this drunk.

"Yeaaaah! I'll buy her flowers and candy, oh mum! Let's go pick flowers from the garden for Annabelle!" Harry jumped up, stumbling to the door.

"It's dark outside, Harry." Anne laughed, holding his arm as he opened the door and turned the porch light on.

"Not anymore." He grinned again, stepping out into the cold air and walking towards the small garden Anne kept. The flowers were going to start dying soon from the cold weather.

After Anne helped Harry pick a few red roses and a few tulips, she took him and the flowers inside and put the flowers in a small vase with water. She helped Harry up the stairs, him running to the bathroom once he got into the hallway. He puked until his voice was hoarse, feeling just a bit less drunk than before, but still to drunk to function alone. His mother helped him brush his teeth and tucked him into bed, sitting a trash can beside his bed and a bottle of water on his nightstand.

"Goodnight, Harry." Anne kissed his clammy forehead.

"Goodnight, mummy, I love you soooo much." Harry mumbled, turning over and falling asleep.

The next morning when Anne woke him up, his head was pounding and he felt like puking again.

"What the hell did I drink last night?" He asked, taking a few pills for his migraine.

"A whole bottle of vodka. You're lucky you didn't have to go to the damn hospital." Anne's voice was distant and annoyed. Harry groaned and rubbed his eyes. "I don't care how hungover you are, you're getting up and finding your own place today. I'm not dealing with you getting wasted every night, you're twenty-one years old. It's time you take responsibility for yourself." Harry's mother walked out of his room, leaving him to bask in his hangover.

He picked up his phone to look at the time, unlocking his phone to look at the picture of Annabelle he used for his home screen. He obviously wasn't going to change it, he loved the picture of her smiling at a stupid joke he had told her. His heart ached, but he knew he was the one to blame for all of this. He knew he had to be the one to fix it, he would never forgive himself if he didn't at least try to make her happy again.

He opened his message app, wanting to read over the last texts him and Annabelle shared before they went to London.

"Shit," Harry groaned as he saw the three drunken texts he had sent her last night, all of them had been read and ignored by her. He got up to shower, puking as he got undressed. His throat burned and his eyes felt like they were going to fall out of his head, but he needed to go do something, anything to make it up to Annabelle and find himself a place to live since his mother was basically kicking him out.

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