"Leona what are you saying. You don't want to see Mark meeting his grandfather after so many years," Kelly said.

"But his grandfather doesn't wants to meet him," Ray said as Leona had turned silent.

"Mark will be reaching soon," Kane said, "You can't stop him to meet his grandfather,"

"They said to you all that I don't want to meet Mark and that is my decision and my wish and it's final," Mark's grandfather said.

"Your wish or decision is not considered by me sir," Kelly said angrily.

"You people won't ever mature even though you have experience's of many years comparative to the children your age"; grandfather said.

"It's nothing related to our topic which we are discussing," Kane said.

Kelly didn't understand what was he talking about and it also seemed that Kane was hiding something from her.

"It is but you won't understand. You just don't know what is going on at this place. You just know to fight back with your enemy when he appears in front of you but you can never go and find out what your enemy is doing when he is not in front of you," Alexander said.

"You will just remain a kid and run of your duties. Just being powerful is not what you actually needs," Robert said.
"You are even a kid and how can you talk to us so rudely. You don't have any right to lecture us and do you have ay idea who are you taking to..."; Kelly said.

"What is the reason"; Kane said moving to the topic.

"Just to stay away from each other was all you had to contribute which none of you family members not even you could be able to do. If you can't do even this much then who gave you the right to sit on this thrown," Ray said.

"You all are thinking in the same way your ancestors thought that crowning was a curse but no one thought in the way which the first king and queen which crowned themselves to save this universe thought," Alexander said.

"I asked the question what is the reason for you to not meet your grandson"; Kane said sternly ignoring everything he heard.

"How can you be so cool and calm. They are insulting you. They are lecturing and blaming the king and you are standing still"; Kelly shouted.

Kane ignored her again and asked the reason.

"If you don't wanna speak then you don't have any right to run away from someone who is eagerly waiting to see his grandfather"; Kane said.

"That won't be possible. Whatever you say he won't be meeting him;" Ray said.

"You have already pissed me a lot. If you go on with the same I won't hold back and I won't consider anyone be it Mark's grandfather or his girlfriend"; Kane said.

Leona was shocked to hear that. The one who had always understood her feelings was now not able to understand what she felt.

"We are still going to stop you," Alexander said softly.

Kane sighed. His eyes had a fierce look as he looked towards the group. His left hand started to form a fire ball. After it had formed upto a particular size he threw it at them. All of them doched it but suddenly they started to get pulled towards it.

It was like magnet.
All the team member's including Leona and Mark's grandfather got trapped inside the fire ball.

"That was awesome"; Kelly said.

Kane calmed himself a bit and sat down there. Kelly sat beside him.

"Who will save me from your anger," she said

She was ignored. Kelly was getting pissed. He was ignoring her a lot recently. What had she done for him to ignore her so much.

They waited for some time when Kane got up.

"What's wrong"; Kelly asked as she stood up.

She noticed other's heading that way.

"Where is mark's grandfather," Axle asked when they reached there.

Kane was silent for a while.
Kelly was looking at Kane and so were the others.

"Is everything alright"; Jude asked.

Kane pointed towards the fire ball.

"Why have you kept them in that ball"; Mark asked.

Kane didn't reply just bursted that ball.

Before Mark could have seen his grandfather his grandfather was teleported right in front of his eyes.

"He told you he doesn't want's to meet you. Why don't you understand"; Leona yelled.

Kane was pissed. He tried immediately to search for grandfather but he wasn't able to.

"Its of no use. We have placed a very high barrier using all our magic. You won't be able to find him even if you want too"; Alexander said.

Mark and other's were not able to understand what was wrong.

"Kane"; Mark said. He looked at him and caught up his shirt; "What are they saying";

Kane was just silent.

"Kelly"; Mark called looking at Kane.

Kelly was a bit frighten.
"He didn't wanted to meet you... and didn't wanted to give any reason"; Kelly said sadly.

"Leona"; Mark called.

She didn't reply. She was crying.

"Leona"; Mark yelled; "What the hell is going around";

Leona was silent. She wiped away her tears and stood firmly.

"Don't you guys ever understand seriousness of things. You are not worthy for us to tell you all the reason's behind things and specially when you have such a hopeless king among you all... who doesn't care of his responsibility and who have recently realised that he have got the wrong person..."; Leona said but was interupted by Kelly.

"Just shut up. Although you would be the principal but he is the king and you don't have any right to say anything to him...";

"Leona why did you leave"; Jude asked.

"It's nome of your concern"; she replied.

"You have to speak up, you bitch"; Kelly shouted and was about to attack on Leona when all the the dragon air moved forward and Crashing Eleven stopped Kelly.

"Stop it...just stop it all of you"; Kane yelled at the top of his voice.

He looked at Kelly.

"Im sorry"; he said.

The others wondered what was going on.

"You were right that this place doesn't belong to you. You should head back to your own place"; Kane said.


THE ADVENTURES OF THE MAGICAL LAND- PART TWO #Wattys2017Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ