Chapter 4: Food Gone to Waste

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"Oh I apologize. Can your pretty little blonde head not process what I said? Do I need to repeat myself?"

"Watch what you say... kid." She replied as she rolled her eyes and gave me a nasty look.

I paused and thought to myself...Did she really just call me a kid?

"Listen here buddy, I'm not a damn kid and I DON'T need YOU telling ME what to do. Because I promise you my attitude is a lot worse than yours!" I yelled getting frustrated. I HATED being called a kid. I started walking as fast as I could to the table that the girls were sitting at. I was soooo ready to fight every single one of them.

Although apparently, that wasn't gonna happen.

Jordan walked in front of me and grabbed me by my waist. He started pushing me away from the group of girls.

"Don't let them get to you." He whispered trying to calm me down.

"Yea. Listen to your boyfriend sweetheart." Blondie stated with a smirk.

"He's NOT my boyfriend." I mumbled loudly through my teeth.

"Well, his eyes say differently." She retorted which honestly confused me a bit. I felt J tense up.

But the she-devil kept talking of course.

"But I believe you. I mean, why would a guy like him wanna date you anyways? Afterall, you seem pretty whorey."

I was taken back. I seriously couldn't believe what she'd just said. I was about to lash out until J took charge.

"Hey, don't talk to her like that. You're making yourself look bad." He told Blondie.

"Nope, pretty sure the whore's the one making herself look bad." Blondie smirked.

J let go of me and made his way towards the girls.

"I said don't call her that. I find it funny how you called her a kid just a minute ago when in reality you're the one acting childish."

"Hm, check again pretty boy. And maybe talk what you know, will ya?" She exclaimed.

"All I'm trying to do is get you to shut your damn mouth. Now, I'm trying to calm my friend here down but you're only making it worse. If she lashes the hell out on you I'm just gonna step away and let her proceed to beat your ass and I'm almost positive you don't want that. So if I were you I'd chill the fuck out before my mouth gets me in trouble." Jordan stopped talking and hesitated to continue. He sighed and looked at the girl.

"God, why does every gorgeous girl in this state have to be so bitchy."

A manager standing at a nearby table got up and walked towards us.

He was a shorty, chubby, bald, middle aged guy with a very unfriendly face.

He grabbed J's arm and started pulling him away.

J yanked the managers arm off of him.

"Don't touch me." He stated.

"Sir, you all are causing a disturbance and I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." He retorted.

"Who are we disturbing?" J asked as he looked around the place. "There's literally no one in here but us."

"Well sir you're disturbing me so like I said, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

Before he could argue back I grabbed Jordan's arm and our food as we made our way to the door. I thought we'd be home-free but I was wrong.

As we walked out of the door J took one of my chicken nuggets. At first I wondered why he took it but when I saw the manager come outside I knew exactly why. 

"Have a nice evening!" He exclaimed with a fake smile.

Next thing I knew, J flicked the nugget at the guy. 

"Mhm, have a nugget asshole."

We got in J's truck and left before the manager could retaliate. As we were pulling away I couldn't help but look out the window at the guy. He was so funny looking. He could've easily passed as the fourth member of the stooges. 

When we got home we devoured our food and watched a couple of movies. But the entire time I could only think of one thing: Did he really have to throw my chicken nugget?


Author's note:

Here are the chapters like I promised you. (: So these last two chapters are based more on getting to know more about Jordan and his friendship with Cassidy since he's gonna be one of the main characters. I plan on updating again Sunday but it might just be one chapter. I haven't decide yet. Anyways, stay tuned! 😊😊😊

River. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora