"I can't wait," Y/N smiled as she dried her hands with the towel. "But do you want to know my top favorite," she emphasized, "thing about football? Well more specifically about football players."

"What is that?"

"Their butts." Y/N said bluntly.

Lydia giggled. "Oh my gosh, that was not an answer I was expecting!"

"Well, what can I say? I have a thing for guys with good butts." Y/N shrugged her shoulder.

"Well, you know, some of the guys on the team have good butts," Lydia winked at Y/N.

Y/N's lips formed into a small smirk.

"What? You're not the only girl checking out guy's butts," Lydia admitted. "You know who has a good butt on the team?"

"Who?" Y/N smiled.

"Greenberg!" Lydia laughed. "He's the worst, but does that boy have a nice bubble butt."

"No way!" Y/N laughed. "That cutie patootie, Liam, has a better butt than Greenberg. In fact, I think he's got the best butt on the team." Y/N's eyes widen realizing what she just admitted. She felt her cheeks heating up, and was mentally cursing herself for not being able to control her blushing.

"Oh my gosh!" Lydia gasped. "You have a thing for Liam and his butt, don't you?"

Y/N bit the bottom of her lip, trying to figure out how to take back her words. "Yes," she whispered.

"I think you two would make a cute couple," Lydia smiled.

"As if!" Y/N scoffed as she folded her arms to her chest. "He's like the most gorgeous guy to ever walk the Earth, and I'm just a girl he'll never notice. Guys like him don't give girls like me the time of day."

"Trust me, if he would just get over his nerves, clammy hands, and maybe grow a pair, he would totally ask you out." Lydia placed her hand on Y/N's forearm. "Trust me, he likes you, you just make him extremely nervous."

"I make him nervous?" Y/N asked confused.

Lydia squeezed Y/N's arm lightly. "Of course you do. You're just as gorgeous as he is, okay, maybe more than him," Lyida let out a small chuckle. "That's why he likes you. He just needs some time, and maybe some help to ask you out." Lydia pulled you in for a small hug. "Don't ever doubt yourself, okay? You are beautiful, kind, and smart."

"Thank you," Y/N smiled.

The timer went off. "Perfect timing," Lydia said. "The brownies are ready."


Beacon Hills had just won their lacrosse game against Devenford Prep, and the pack were getting ready to go to Pizza Hut for dinner, a tradition they started doing a couple of weeks ago. The crowd was making their way back to their cars as the janitors began to clean up the mess the fans left behind. The girls, Lydia, Malia, and Kira were talking among themselves as they waited for the guys to return.

"Where's Y/N?" Scott asked as he reached the girls.

"She's in the bathroom," Malia answered.

"How much time do we have?" Lydia asked looking at Scott and Stiles.

"Well, Liam's still in the locker room." Stiles looked back towards the locker room building. "But we don't have much time. So we better hurry."

Teen Wolf's Liam Dunbar x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now