“So I think you may have understood how to do this,” Ryan said.

“Sir why don’t we follow Noel's method. That was far more easier,” Dan said.

 “Does any one among you remember Leona’s move's during the war"; Ryan asked ignoring Dan.

Few among the members moved their hand upward.

"She is a water user"; Kane said; "She was able to manipulate it during the time of war"; Kane said.

"She was attacking the enemy with it. The water was controlled by her very easily"; Mark said.

"You can call her an expert in water manipulation. Well she had the effinity towards water more than anything else"; Ryan said; "You can also have control over the water... You can direct it towards your enemy when you learn it too.

As your hand will move the water will move... When you move your hand in speed and direct it towards something the water will dash the thing with force and cause harm to that thing...";

"According to the body movements the water will move"; Axle said.

"Yes thats the very important part in controlling the water"; Ryan said; "The other disturbing thing would be that you all have a great energy but due to this you can lose your control over the water.

You need to have control over your energy. You have to use approximate energy to put the water in the balloon. If extra energy is used the balloon will break and if less energy is used you will not be able to control the water.

I will be teaching you all different kinds of elemental manipulation. Which ever you will feel you are having an effinity too you will try to make yourself an expert in that.

We will be starting with water. Finish your given task by night time and come to have your night’s dinner. You have a lot of time. More than 10 hours.

Kelly can also can try. If you feel hungry you can have your dinner but others until you don’t have control over the water you won't be allowed,” Ryan said.

“That is unfair,” Kane said.

Kelly started teasing them.

“Kelly you will have to do some work yourself. I would like you to start meditating to start feeling the enrgy in you. Once you do that you need to channelize it"; Ryan said.

He gave her the same ball he had given it to others in the first year.

"Your task will be to atleast show me the energy in the ball by night time. You can do the manipulation part later on"; Ryan said.

“That’s something nice to hear,” Kane said.

“You... I will not leave you so soon,” Kelly replied to Kane angrily.

“Always be with him. That’s the only thing he want's,” Selina said.

Kane looked at Selina and made teasing faces. Kelly laughed as all other's did the same.

Ryan suddenly wished them luck.

Kelly thought his sudden greeting a bit weird.

She looked at other's.

"He will probably dissapear"; Noel said and that was exactly what happened.

"How do you know and..."; before Kelly could have questioned others informed her about Ryan's habits.

"He left knowing that as usual we would find out a way in doing the task"; Gray said.

Their training begin.

Kelly tried her best but she was just not able to sense any energy in her. She felt something but she wondered whether that was the enrgy Ryan was talking about.

It was already evening. Others had taken a small break but Kelly went on. She just wasn’t able to feel anything and to channelize something which she can't feel was something not possible and she did had a deadline.

As she tried to concentrate she felt something cold. She soon realized that she was all wet. She opened her eyes to find that Kane had controlled the water and purposely had showered it on her.

Kelly angrily got up. Took the entire bucket and splashed it on him. Soon the water fight began. Some tried by controlling the water while those who weren’t able to just splashed it by using the bucket.

 All had a hearty laugh as they enjoyed themselves.
“It’s hopeless,” Noel said.

“How did you control it,” Jude asked Kane

“I think it is related to the posture and your hand movement. If we move our hand in the right way then the air moves in that way usually. We just have to have our clear attention on the flow of the air and the water and then have control over it,” Kane said.

“Don’t you think your explanation's are getting more and more complicated day by day”; Noel said.

“Ryan's was actually much better”; Selina agreed.

“Let’s try,” Axle said.

They tried a lot of time but to no avail.

They had some cake. First cake piece was taken by Mark as others forced him to guide them further. It seemed that Leona had tried cooking. He said it was alright. Hearing this Noel jumped to have it. Others too had their pick. They vomited it all out.

“It wasn’t that bad,” Mark said.

Leona was there seeing their response for her first attempt. Seeing them puke she angrily left from there. Mark too went back of her. Other's followed.

“You were preparing it in magical oven,” Mark asked seeing the machine present in her office and the entire place all messed up with baking materials.

“That doesn’t mean that I don’t know to cook,” Leona said.

“Well you have never really cooked before,” Mark said.

“Then how do Leona serve food to us each day,” Kelly asked.

“Magic of course,” Bryan replied.


THE ADVENTURES OF THE MAGICAL LAND- PART TWO #Wattys2017Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora