What Have You Done!!!!!

Start from the beginning

"I know, but I hurt you." he said.

"Jack, you saw what Hans has done to me. The burns, cuts, skinning, whipping, and more. What you did was nothing compared to what he has done to me, you just hit me a few times."

"I know, but still."

"Hey, I love you and all of your flaws, just like you love me and all of mine. We both have our demons that we fight every single day, but we can over come them together."

"What demons do you have?" he asked.

"My suicidal tendencies. I feel so depressed all the time, and I know that no one would miss me if I left. I mean, you see how shitty my life is. Day after day in that huge mansion alone, not able to go out as myself most days. It is just hard, hiding everything that I am. Pretending to love Hans, when just the sight of him makes me feel ill, and not being able to be with you because of him."

Then Jack hugged her tightly like he does when I have nightmares.

"Elsa, I know your life is rough, but I would miss you if you were gone. As for the Hans thing, he makes me feel ill too, but soon you will be away from him." he said, "Elsa, please be my girlfriend."

"Jack, I can't, you know that. If anyone found out they would kill you. You are the one good thing I have in my life, and I can't lose you."

"Elsa, we don't have to tell anyone."

"Tell me then Jack, how is this going to work out? Are you going to be dating Elsa or Elizabeth, where will we meet, what will we do,........."

"Elsa, calm down before you hurt yourself. I don't care who I date, because either way they are both the same person. We will meet somewhere outside of the city, and we will do whatever you want. Don't overthink this Snowflake, this is a relationship, not WWIII."

"Jack, and what about you?"

"Elsa, I will be fine. Stop worrying about me. Can we just please stop acting like friends in public, and start acting like an actual couple?"

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, I've never been more sure of anything in my whole life, and that is saying something."

"Okay then, I will be your girlfriend Jack." she said, and I saw Jack smile. It was the sort of smile that he gave off when he was little, and when he saved me from falling in the lake, and he saw I was okay. That was the only time I have ever seen that smile.

Did Elsa really make him that happy?

I honestly don't know how to think right now. Elsa was still a criminal and a Nightmare, but yet she made Jack so happy and she seemed nice.

"Jack, we need to get ready for this heist. Also, remind me afterwards to shut my phone off or break it."

"Okay, did you bring your disguise with you?"

"Yep, you?"

"Yeah,don't know why, but I did. Lets get ready, afterwards we can prep for the heist." he said and she nodded. Both walked off, and Elsa came back first. I have to admit, that outfit that she had on her was hot. Then she got on my laptop and started typing away. Numbers whizzed on the screen, and it amazed me that she was able to keep up with their pace and read them. How did she even do that?

Then a guy with tan skin and black hair dressed in a male versions of Elsa's outfit came down. WAIT! THAT IS JACK!!!!

"How can you read that?" he asked basically reading my mind.

"Years of practice, I'll teach you sometime." she said, "HA! Found you, you bitch!"

"Found what?"

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