Chapter 62

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Sorry, I know this isn't the chapter you were looking for... it'll come, I rpoise. But I just wanted to say that this is actually going to be the second to last chapter because I feel like a nice person and I think the sequel would be better with a bit more... setup. Okay. Chapter. Right.

Or should I say... write?

Ok. Sorry.

~Niall's POV~

Everyone had come back now, and we were standing arond, waiting for something, anything to happen.

Perrie was leaning on Zayn, their arms around each other, and Eleanor was hugging Louis, biting her lip. Sarah was leaning up against Liam, obviously about to fall asleep. She's been trying to keep everyone from breaking down, but now she was about to break down herself. Fiona had her head buried in Harry's shoulder, her shoulders shaking.

Me, I was standing alone in the corner, feeling the cold of the room seep through my jumper.

"Hey, guys remember that time that Rebecca wouldn't stop eating bannana's?" Harry said, breaking the silence in the room. "And I was so mad and her because I wanted some, but she wouldn't let me have any?"

I nodded, thinking about all the memories we had with Becca.

"And that time she just wanted to sleep all day but no one would let her, and then the next morning she woke us all up at 3am as revenge and then went back to sleep?" Liam added.

"And that time Liam called her doctor and she almost murdered him?" Louis smirked.

"It wasn't funny! I actually thought she was going to murder me!" Liam protested.

"She got so mad at the weirdest things," laughed Fiona. "I remember one time in high school when she got really mad at me for drawing on my arm."

"What's you draw?" Sarah laughed. 

"I drew those little hash marks on my arms from the Doctor Who episode with the Silence. She said I was scaring her and made me wash them off."

"Hey! Those things were scary!" I defended Becca.

"Yeah, because tall people who you forget after you see them are sooo scary," Harry said.

"Yes! They are!" I protested, my voice getting high. (A/N haha get it his voice is high no one okay)

Everyone laughed. "Niall, you're almost twenty. Get over your fear of Doctor Who creatures!" Louis said.

"Says the twenty-one year old who came crying to me over Daleks!" Eleanor teased.

Louis blushed. "Well.. at least I... I HAVE A BETTER BUTT THAN YOU!" he shouted finally.

Eleanor's cheeks flushed. "Mmmhmm, boy, I do not think so." They were like two wrestlers facing off in a championship match.

"Sorry, El, but Louis wins this one," Fiona and Sarah commented at the same time.

"He's right," said Harry, and then pinched Louis' butt.

"Hey! You said you wouldn't do that anymore!" Fiona fake sniffed. "I thought we were done with this Harry!"

"I'm sorry, Fiona, but I'm leaving you. I just.. I can't hide my feelings for Louis anymore!" Harry sniffed, and then grabbed Louis and pretended to make out with him.

"Hey! That's my boyfriend!" Eleanor said, grabbing Harry.

"Um, I think you mean betr-" Louis started to say before Eleanor started fake make out with Harry. 

Louis stood there, mouth open in shock. "I thought we had something special!" he said, and grabbing Eleanor's shoulder and fake making out with her, before it turned into real making out.

"Get a room, you two," Zayn scolded them.

They peeled apart. "Sorry, guys," Eleanor said.

"I'm not," Louis pointed out, and then kissed her again.

It was almost like a taste of what would happen without Rebecca, and it was a reminder that even without her, life would go on. Life always goes on, no matter who comes and who goes, who leaves and who stays. 

We joked around for another while, and something, I don't know what, made us all laugh like idiots.

Maybe that's what woke her up, maybe it isn't. Who knows? 

"What's so funny?" 

We all turned and looked at the bed. Rebecca was sitting up, looking around.

"REBECCA!" I shouted. 

I didn't notice the confused stare in her eyes, and I didn't notice the color of her eyes. I didn't notice anything but the fact that she was awake, and I ran and pressed my lips against hers. 

It was a perfect fit, as always. 

Her hands pressed against my collar bones, and shoved me, hard.

That's when I noticed the deep purple shade of her eyes.

"I- I'm sorry. I don't know who you are." She paused, and laughed, sounding bitter. "For that matter, I don't even know who I am."


Le dundundun

See how nice I'm being? I was going to let this be the end. This gigantic cliffhanger!

But I decided to be nice, and let you guys hve another chapter. It'll just be easier to write the sequel that way.

I'm so excited for the sequel. :D

I'll have the last chapter up my the end of this week. And this time it'll really be the last chapter.

So here's what I'm gonna do. I MAY OR MAY NOT start the sequel until after camp, but I don't want to leave you guys without update for three weeks cuz I hate that and I'm guessing you guys hate that to, and you might delete this story from your library. BUT in between the time I put the sequel up and now, I'm going to start a new story, called The Difference Between. I won't put the link on the side because once I get the sequel up I'm gonna put that link up.

I'm also going to delete one of my other stories, Summer Love, because I don't really like where it's going, and I don't really know what's gonna happen, and I just don't like it.

What else... let's see... I'm going to London this summer :D

That was random. So I guess I could've put this in earlier chapters, but you guys should follow me on Instagram @cupcakes_and_irishmen

Oh! One last thing! I can tell you guys the title of the sequel now, because it won't spoil anything. It will be *dramatic pause* A Love Lost in Memory.

aaahh I'm so excited.

So I will see you wondrous burritos next time, because I need to go do my English homework now... *sticks out tongue*

(Picture of a toy steak on the side if you're who I'm talking to you know why I found one :D)

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