Chapter 60

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~Niall's POV~

I sat down by Rebecca's bed and ran my hands through my hair.

"Hey, princess, remember that time we went to the mall and I was groaning the entire time, because you wre just dragging me around to pointless store, and you didn't even know what was in them, you just wanted to torture me?" I remembered, thinking back.

"And remember when we went to the beach and you wouldn't get in the water because you weren't waering a bathing suit, and I threw you in anyway?"

"Remember when we would sit around and watch Doctor Who and you would have to explain everything to me because I just didn't get it, and then you kicked me out because I was annoying you too much?"

"And that time we went out to a normal dinner date and you pretended to have a heart attack because it was normal, but then I was super cheesy to make up for it?"

"And all the times we would watch Mean Girls, and we would quote the movie over dinner and drive everyone else insane?"

"And the time we sat around all day in sweatpants and you were the most beautiful girl in the unviverse?"

"And remember the time we would wish we had a fireplace, so we both got that incredibly stupid fireplace app on our iPhones and cuddle by our fake fireplace?"

"And how I would always make fun of you for reading fanfictions, but then I stole your phone and read one, and then I just couldn't stop?"

"And remember the time I almost killed Harry for making your makeup run after you guys got back from your date, and then you explained it was just rain, and I felt like an idiot?"

"And remember the time you fainted on stage and hit your head, but you wouldn't let us take you to the hospital because you didn't want us to know about your disease?" I asked, getting choked up.

"Remember the time you made Harry blush, and he got so nervous?"

"Remember the food fight you had with us, and we went on stage with food bits in our hair, and you met Eleanor and Dani?"

"And remember the time you jumped into my taxi in New York City, and you just looked so fearless and breathtaken, I couldn't help but fall in love with you?" I finished, finally letting the tears spill over.

"You really do love her, don't you?" Liam's voice surprised me from the doorway.

"H-how long have you been standing there?

"About since when you remember yourself reading fanfics..." Liam said.

I blushed. "I thought everyone else left."

"They did. But Sarah made me come back an apologize," he explained.

I laughed, forgetting about Rebecca for a moment. "You should ask her out."

"Nah, she doesn't like me like that."

I shook my head. "You're both idiots."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," I said, shaking my head.

"Well, I brought your guitar. I'm going to go get you something to eat. You must be starving' have you even eaten since Rebecca..." he trailed off.

"No. I'm fine, though," I said, looking back at Rebecca,

"Niall. You really need to eat. I'll be right back," he said, and left the room.

I shook my head, and picked up my guitar, since Liam had left it.

Ed told us Moments was about a guy who was really depressed after his girlfriend died, or something, so I guess it was as good a time as any to play it.

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