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Hey Guys!
So I decided to start a new story, please vote and comment and share this! This is my second watt-pad story and it will be about a catfish. I was inspired to do this story by another user. A catfish is someone online who portrays themselves as a different person.
I am using Megan Fox to portray Allison Skylars (fictional character).

*** NARRATOR ***

Allison Skylars was a young, 22 year old, ordinary woman working in a Starbucks shop. She loved her job, especially because she worked with her best friend Becca, whom she could tell anything to.

Online network was her get-away from the outside world. She could shut everyone else out and talk about her problems and her life, without being face to face with someone. Perhaps she may tell you if she had a rough day at work today, or if she had forgot to go grocery shopping. Anything she needed to lift off her shoulders she could.
Through this she met someone who intrigued her with his life.
Oddly, he told her his name was Peter Pan. She just assumed his first name was Peter though.
3 months chatting, but no phone calls, no Skype, just words. Simple words on a computer screen. Only a few pictures were sent from Peter Pan, three or so. But in each picture he was wearing his hat low down. He had a pair of sunglasses on, and they were each taken in a dark room. Allison had to accept the fact he was not willing to reveal his entire face even though she had given reasonable pictures to him.
However, he had given a reasonable biography of himself to her. He said he was a black american from Gary Indiana, living in California. Also, he said he was
25 years old, had 9 siblings and was a complicated person.

She ever so badly wanted to meet Peter Pan but he was always "busy". On the other hand, he texted her everyday, yes they exchanged numbers, and his texts always made her smile wherever she was.
Sometimes she felt like he was the one. The one to be a part of her everyday life, her future, but she could only hope, and only time could tell.
Little did she know that even though she had described herself, Peter Pan knew all about her after a few details were told. No Peter, was not a stalker, like he said, he was just, complicated. He knew where she lived and her entire biography, but he was not going to turn up there like a paedophile, that would be too strange. He was no such thing as a pedo, he was lovely person, peaceful and caring. But some people took him the wrong way and portrayed him as some unwanted being that does bad things. But he wasn't.

Any who, he lied to Allison in many ways, but they were for a good cause. He said the reason he was called ugly things was because he was bullied a lot, but was that the actual reason? He said he was Peter Pan, who was he really? He said he could not meet up for he was busy, is that even true? He said he was as ordinary as her, was he?
Who was the man behind the screen?

Hey, thanks for reading my story!
This is just a simple and short introduction to grab your attention to the story, the drama and secrets reveal later on!
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